5D Consciousness is the highest state of consciousness available to humanity. This is the 5th Dimension. In 5D, there is no more over-identification with thoughts, the thinker, or the objects of the mind.
5D is perhaps what you might think could be Christ Consciousness, the Mind of Buddha, the Heart of Krishna, or the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever your religious background is, 5D is a deep state of effervescent inner peace that feels a powerful connection with Divinity.
5D Consciousness is a new age scientific term for what you might understand as Samadhi Consciousness. In India, they call it samadhi consciousness because they come from the yoga mindset.
Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word that literally means “the bliss from transcending the mind”. This is the state of perfect “clear seeing” that recognizes Divinity is within yourself, in everything around you, and in every person you meet.
“You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality is within your own dwelling. The Truth is here! Until you have found God in your own Soul, the whole world will seem meaningless to you. ~Kabir
My First Experience of 5D Consciousness
My first experience of 5D Consciousness was on a meditation retreat in India in 1995. It was one of the most mind-blowing spiritual experiences I’ve ever been blessed to receive in my life.
At the ripe young age of 25, my mind was open, eager and on an adventure to know God. I started this deep spiritual search for Truth after my father committed suicide, and was studying and practicing meditation religiously since his death. So, I connected with a woman named Gangaji in Maui who later introduced me to her guru Papaji in Lucknow India.
My mind couldn’t understand much of what was happening at the time, yet the transmission of energy acted like a match to ignite the massive woodpile I had built from all the hundreds of hours of meditation.
The 5D experience literally blew ‘me’ away. It truly felt like an atomic bomb went off inside what you’d call your ego identity. In a few seconds, it had burned away all concepts I had about my ego. What I thought was ‘me’ and my mind was no longer the truth. All my limiting beliefs about reality disappeared. Who I thought I was had vanished and I was seeing life through a completely clean slate.
The Sudden Impact of 5D Consciousness
This satori threw me into the mystical and highly magical Samadhi Experience that perpetuated for many months afterward. My experience of reality was instantly like nothing I’d ever imagined could be possible. It felt like I was on a natural LSD trip! There was no reference point to describe who I could become anymore, or what I believed reality actually was.
All I knew was true was that I was beyond time, beyond space, beyond energy, undefinable, and untouchable. I was pure consciousness. Realizing this throughout the day, threw me into an absolute state of bliss in EVERYTHING that I did. Every single moment was a deep intimate connection with the highest love and consciousness in the Universe. I was home at one with the God Source itself.
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ C.G. Jung
I quickly realized that at the center still point of consciousness exists the deepest and highest Source of God Consciousness. It is God creating reality itself. When you remain as this witness to this awareness 24 hours a day, something very magical happens. It may feel similar to a psychedelic trip or what you’d imagine Heaven to be like.
This divine perception of reality is independent of anything to remain intact. Meaning, your reality stretches far beyond any experience you could have through a psychoactive mind-altering substance. 5D Consciousness is an all-natural high. It is a total merging of your heart and soul with the Divine Intelligence of the Universe.
5D Consciousness Is Our Connection with Divinity
In 5D Consciousness, I was listening and communicating with everything that was around me. The animals, trees, the people were all psychically communicating with me. Every ‘normal’ or ordinary life experience transformed into this forever expansive and sensually tantalizing play between ‘me’ and God.
I was in complete oneness with the Divine Intelligence, which I felt everywhere outside of me and within me. This intimacy with life was pouring through my body with every millisecond and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
I was not so closely attached to my thoughts, my ego, or my mind anymore, so I was simply not blocking the way for divinity to pour into me. There were no analytical, critical, or doubting voices inside my head anymore. That loud harsh judgmental voice was gone. There was nothing blocking me from realizing that I was the source of love (God) itself.
I stopped projecting and over-analyzing every thought and experience I had. The experience was just too amazing to stay up thinking about it in my head. I was constantly realizing that this ordinary source of consciousness IS the divine God Source of life itself.
A Soft Sweet Return Trip Home to Your Soul
In 5D consciousness, you are returning to your soul’s natural state of pure being. This effortless fully relaxed state is where you’ll find the real you. Here you are soooooo completely free and unlimited that it’s easy to see that all things are possible.
It’s not just that they “seem” possible, you KNOW without a doubt that they are. This is because you always feel connected to unlimited omniscient power and omniscience. You are feeling this divine presence 24-7, so you KNOW with this connection that anything is possible.
Your mind-body’s vibration is soooooo ridiculously high that you can FEEL you have the physical ability to manifest whatever you want. You know God is behind you, beside you, with you, and inside of you. In this space, you know you are unstoppable.
5D Consciousness Is Our Most Natural State
5D Consciousness is our most natural state as well as a profound moment-to-moment spiritual experience. You are constantly exploring expansive feelings of lightness, love, and connection to the Divine. It is what most people would call enlightenment.
5D Consciousness is unique from other paths on the spiritual quest in that it goes directly to the Source of pure consciousness and you remain there. There is no more searching for anything to fulfill your ego’s desires anymore. 5D is truly the highest spiritual experience you can have. It opens you up to your most enlightened self who is free from worry, fear, and any attachment to this world.
“Enlightenment is not about imagining figures of light, but making the darkness conscious.” ~Carl Jung
One who is living their life in 5D Consciousness feels only love, oneness, and peace within every experience they have. When you receive your first taste of 5D there is a deep knowing that all is one, and that “oneness” is at the core of who you are.
In the realm of 5D, there is a subtle yet perpetual feeling of bliss arising inside you, simply because there is no inner judge or discriminatory mind present. There are thoughts that still pass through the mind, yet you are no longer clinging to them because you realize the truth of who you are (pure awareness).
In 5D You Are Merged With Divinity
One who has entered the state of 5D discovers a deeply personal, intimate merging with the Divine Being within everyone they meet. There is only Love and reverence for everyone. The ego within others is easily seen, accepted, and understood.
The ego is completely transcended in 5D Consciousness. There’s no trace of a small separated me in ‘them or you’ when you realize that you are one with the ocean. You are truly unified, connected, and at peace with everyone in the Universe on every level.
In 5D Consciousness, you experience an eternally expanding realization that this world is not permanent so it’s not exactly ‘real’. You understand that the real you (the soul, spirit, and divine essence) is who you truly are and this will never change or die. So essentially you have nothing to fear anymore.
To reach 5D Consciousness takes a profound state of constant deep surrender to the Divinity within everything. By relaxing into each and every life experience you’ll discover that pure consciousness is relaxed and at ease naturally because is not attached to any thought, memory, or emotion. By surrendering purely to your consciousness, and letting the mind dissolve into it, you will eventually arrive at this eternal 5D state of bliss.
5D Consciousness Is Living In Pure MAGIC!
I had my second 5D awakening experience in 1996 during a 6-week meditation retreat in Bodhgaya India. Coincidently, this was the place where Gautama Siddhartha (the Buddha) became enlightened. People were constantly praying a meditating under this giant tree 24 hours a day. It is a very powerful place to meditate.
I remember sitting near the great-great-grandmother tree that Buddha sat under, and just relaxing into myself and allowing everything to be as it is. This allowing meditation transported me into 5D consciousness instantly!
I remember then leaving the tree as it was a very sunny blue sky day, to lie down on the cool rooftop of a neighbor’s home. I was staring at one small puffy cloud floating in the distance. Then, I asked the cloud if it would form a donut around the Sun.
“You have the power to create. Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz
My entire body relaxed into this one-pointed focus of my attention and within 15 minutes I opened my eyes the cloud formed a perfectly shaped circular donut that moved directly into the center of the sun! Have you ever seen a cloud in the perfect shape of a donut before? Me neither!
Then, I realized that whatever I wanted to create or manifest, could happen! It was amazing. I could feel the deep divine communication and connection with everything around me. So, I walked across the street to a cafe and in the adjacent field saw one lonely cow hundreds of meters away. My heart deeply asked this one cow to come to visit me. Within the amount of time that it took for me to receive and eat my dinner, she was 2 feet away looking me in the eyes.
Anything Is Possible In 5D
Anything is truly possible in this divine spiritually enlightened connection. When you realize that YOU ARE ONE with the all-intelligent divine Universe then you know you are unstoppable! The manifestation process suddenly seems effortless. You simply think it and it starts to materialize because you know there is no separation between you and God.
I am a personal testimony that 5D Consciousness can happen to anyone who is devoted to finding the Truth of who they really are. The divine spiritual essence is within you now at this moment, behind your ego. The mind can be very addicted to patterns of seeing yourself and the world in a certain specific way.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive! And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are truly alive.” ~Harold Whitman
You may require the intense awakening awareness and laser focus of a Guru, a spiritual teacher, or anyone in deep inner devotion to self-inquiry to retrain your ego. The path to freedom is long and hard to unravel the ego, yet the reward is this permanent state of freedom.
The untrained mind is like a wild animal that has just been caged. This uncontrollable beast will relentlessly pace back and forth inside its small cage. It is nervous, scared, and unable to relax. It is unable to trust, feel safe, and remain at peace for even 10 seconds.
When you reach 5D Consciousness, the mind is trained to be clear, quiet, and relaxed. You can then see through the bars of the cage and realize that you are not imprisoned by any limiting belief or thought. You see your thoughts coming and going, but what remains is the ever-present reality of the here and now.
Your Entire Life Is Transformed in the 5th Dimension
At the beginning of moving from 3D into 5D Consciousness, there is often much chaos and mind chatter. The mind feels on edge because it realizes it doesn’t know how to relax and be at ease with life. The mind will fight you, and say that it does not want to leave its small comfortable cage of the known. Yet, if you fully live in the present moment, you will come to full relaxation and find deep peace with the unknown.
You will naturally free yourself from all worry and concern, seeing all your problems are illusory issues of the mind. Once you realize this was your cage and now you can step through it, the mind simply frees itself from the appearance of its grasp.
The 5D experience can be such an enormous shift in consciousness that you may not know how or if you could ever come back to the normal world again. All of your relationships change, your understanding of your life purpose can completely transform itself and you may not even identify with your given name or friends and family anymore.
After spending many months in 5D, I remember making the decision that I would need to lower my vibration and ‘fall down’ into ordinary human consciousness again if I ever wanted to have a wife, family, or close human friends on any human level. What happened over the next 25 years was like having one foot in hell and the other foot in heaven and trying to find the middle path between these two worlds.
My Personal Advice and Secret For You
If I could give you any personal advice on your spiritual journey toward experiencing 5D Consciousness, the most important secret I could give you is this. Approach this spiritual exploration with a perpetually open mind and heart. No matter what, do not let your heart or mind close. It takes tremendous courage to surrender to the realization that there is only the Light of God all around you.
There is only higher love, and the most blissful ecstasy you can imagine all around you right here right now.
If you try to reach for it, you miss it. If you push outwards with the energy or intention of your mind, you’re not resting in the source of it which is always here and now. Any intense efforting means your operating from ego. You must allow and give space for the ego and its energy, but not let it be your master.
Do not contract in fear, feel doubt about anything, or protect your ego from anything or anyone. If you do, you’ll miss 5D consciousness and remain stuck in the normal 3D World.
Lastly, the best advice I’ve ever received about this awakening process is this. Do not take anything in life too seriously! You are in a human body temporarily, so learn how to have fun while you’re here, and enjoy the ride!
Remember this is all a massive play of consciousness for our individual and collective awakenings. Your job is to enjoy this grand spiritual adventure because it truly is a divinely sacred and amazing journey!
Deep Relaxation and Acceptance Are The Key
If you find yourself like most people, living off and on in semi-contracted states of fear, desire, longing, hope, and hopelessness, just keep diving deeper within. Notice your experience and continue opening yourself up to whatever it is.
Let this deeper state of relaxation, acceptance, and inner peace move through each experience you have. When you make the commitment to ALWAYS let go of fear the second it arrives, inner peace becomes your natural way of being.
5D Consciousness is a choice and it is always available at the core of your being. This ever-expanding state of 5D bliss is available to you right now. If you are open to exploring what this magical state is like, my Guided Meditation into Samadhi will introduce you to my experience of it.
“There is only one kind of samadhi, not many kinds.” – Ramana Maharshi
In this guided meditation below, I will personally take you on a guided journey to drop through the mind chatter so that you may get a taste of this highest state of 5D consciousness. The more often you listen to it, the more it will sneak into your body and take over your busy mind. It will help you to surrender to the divinity within you…enjoy!!
“Your Samadhi meditation is great! I have been meditating for about thirty years using various techniques but have not found one that would take me into the ‘silence’ as quickly and deeply as yours. I ran a small meditation group of fourteen last evening and introduced them to your Samadhi meditation, and without exception, all of these ‘wannabe’ meditators claimed that they had not been taken so deep before.” ~Bill Ellis, Wrexham, United Kingdom
Guided Meditation to Enter Samadhi!
(A Powerful Inner Journey to Experiencing 5D Consciousness)
What It Will Take For You to Shift from 3D to 5D?
I believe we are each responsible for creating this collective global shift into 5D consciousness. When we do this collectively, it will instantly transform the way humanity exists forever. This new way of being is a very special Spiritual Awakening Process that we all have incarnated here on earth to experience at this time.
Whatever spiritual or religious path you’re currently on it does not matter. The experience of 5D is available for everyone. It is a direct experience of God that we are all here to explore. I find it is deeply important to learn how to use everything you can for your awakening, including the fearful, controlling doubting mind.
“There is only one kind of samadhi, not many kinds.” – Ramana Maharshi
Shifting into 5D consciousness is not usually a very comfortable experience. It’s like we are taking off an old worn-out pair of shoes that are 3 sizes too small! Yet once we get them off, we are going to feel soooooo much better!!
Your journey to 5D can occur at a very slow or fast rate, depending on the day, and your resistance to assimilating and integrating the higher frequency and accepting true mastery over our minds, and our lives. If you want to see the 5D Consciousness open up inside of you quickly, you’ll need to learn how to Quiet your Mind, keep your heart open (as much as possible), allow your Kundalini to Rise, and remain relaxed and Grounded in the Source at your innermost presence.
Your Awakening Journey Into 5D Consciousness
Awakening to 5D begins with the deep understanding that your physical body is an extension of the Universal body. Your brain, blood, breath, and everything inside you are all energetically connected with every atom in the Universe on a quantum subatomic level that the mind cannot comprehend. It doesn’t need to, especially if your main task is to let the mind go!
Start remembering as often as possible that the Universe you see outside you is always reflecting the level of consciousness that is currently occurring within you. If you can change your thinking, open up your perspective, and expand your paradigm on reality, then you’ll see the entire Universe presents a whole new set of lighter higher experiences that are more sacred than anything you’ve seen in this world.
It’s also highly important to feel that there is only one consciousness that permeates everything and you are that! You cannot escape from it. No matter how hard you try, you always always eventually return to this present moment where the ONE consciousness is at. Sure, we have individuated minds (that are also deeply interconnected) yet we are that one consciousness that is always behind the scenes. It is the light from the projector creating the entire movie you see on the screen of your sacred precious life.
The 2nd Step on Your Journey to 5D
The next step is to ask for guidance from the higher dimensional beings. We need assistance to break through all the misguided low vibratory programming we have all received in childhood. We all were deeply misinformed about these higher truths. The lies (fear programming) need to be purged from our DNA memory to enter 5D.
In order to make the leap into 5D, we need to drop all the old preconceptions about what we think the Universe is. It is much more magical, powerful, and vast than we will ever be able to imagine. This will help to release all the limitations of who you believe you are
Our stubborn egos have to drop being in control of everything, to make space for 5D consciousness to enter. This internal spaciousness is essential. You’ll need to be okay with accessing feelings of humility, vulnerability, and absolute nothingness to feel this spacious quality.
You’ll need to connect with the voice inside you that never is silent. It’s the voice that drives you crazy when you sit in silence too long. This voice needs to come to a state of 100% silence before 5D can fully enter. If you need a more personal understanding of this, I offer some deep insights about how to access this sacred 5D state in my TikTok Channel.
You can shift your relationship with your inner voice by being aware of it. Pure awareness is always the key to awakening, and truly there is no other secret needed. You might need practical pranayama (breathing) techniques to help you meditate and remain connected to a single source of awareness, as the mind is easily distracted by a million thoughts and desires.
Nothingness Opens Up 5D Consciousness
To access a true moment of nothingness, it helps to open the mind up simply by focusing on how massive our galaxy and the Universe truly are. We now know that there is a massive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy that is millions of miles wide in diameter! Now, relax into this idea and imagine stepping into that black hole of pure nothingness.
A void of nothingness that is millions of miles wide in every direction. There is great energy here because this void is what is responsible for infinitely fueling all 500 million Suns in our Milky Way!
The Milky Way’s black hole acts like a cosmic womb. This black hole is so magnetic that it alone is responsible for keeping the entire Milky Way in perfect balance with its gravitational pull. Can you see how a powerful spiritually awakened human being is similar to this black hole configuration?
The absolute nothingness that exists within the center of our being has a spiritual magnetic pull to it. When we reach this zero point of stillness of mind (through meditation) we access the very innermost center of our existence.
This stillness is what keeps us centered, and sane, and is the great door to access 5D consciousness. Tap into this vast spacious stillness all throughout your day, and you’ll notice one amazing thing. You experience the incomprehensible feeling that everything is already revolving in Divine perfection.
5D Consciousness Comes from Resting in Pure Nothingness
If your mind was a computer, relaxing into pure nothingness is the ultimate reboot. It forces an instant upgrade to a higher intelligence that feels thousands of years old. You feel like your operating system is upgrading from Human Consciousness 2.0 to Galactic Consciousness 5.0!
As you sit in the void, you’ll are forced to move through feelings of your 3D reality. Your struggles with relationships, money and physical desires will arise. These keep you in the lower frequencies of lack, fear, and doubt. To reach 5D, you’ll have to go through the 4th dimension (the 4th chakra – the heart). Here you can heal these conflicts inside yourself. Deep inner peace in the heart center is required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within.
The 4D frequency is like a purifying healing frequency that frees you from fear. It is in the realm of the heart that we truly come to know the higher experiences of love, compassion, forgiveness, and unity. When you reach 5D Consciousness, you discover that the energy and frequency of Christ consciousness exists at the core of everything. Yes, especially within you.
This is a cosmic state of consciousness that is truly magical. It is beyond the logical rational mind and connected with this multi-dimensional reality. To assist you in this transition, I recommend these 4 Steps to Enlighten your Reality
On a more personal note, these 4 steps come from my own personal journey towards the enlightened state. If find there is no fixed set of steps, rules, or procedures to reach 5D consciousness. Try to be willing to let go of all fear, and open your heart to TRUSTING IN LOVE. SURRENDER to your HIGHEST SELF. You’ll soon start experiencing the 5th Dimensional being you naturally are with effortless ease.
5D Consciousness Is The Door to The Aquarian age
The shift into a 5D humanity is the welcoming party to The Aquarian age. This means the next 2000+ years we will be living on this planet together as one unified harmonious world. We will all be working together consciously as one whole. Of course, we will have our own individual lives, yet the collective consciousness will be the focus and foundation.
In my personal research of my inner dimensional worlds, I have had much assistance from my spiritual guides. The higher light beings have helped me to reach highly transcended states to realize the 7 Signs that You’re Entering the 5th Dimension.
The fascinating aspect is that these 7 signs of awakening to 5D are not exclusive to one small group of people. They can happen to anyone and everyone! These multi-dimensional mind-blowing experiences naturally occur when we are open and sensitive enough to life. The good news is that these 7 signs are guaranteed for everyone across the board.
The Guided Meditation into Samadhi
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