
Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery

The Healing Power of the Akashic Records

The Healing Power of the Akashic Records Written by Jafree Ozwald The term Akasha comes from a 5000 year old Sanskrit language which means “hidden library”. This secret hall of information, called the Akashic Records, can be revealed by diving into the subconscious mind in a deep state of […]

Enlightening Inspiration

The 3 Secrets to Enlightened Sex

The 3 Secrets to Enlightened Sex Enlightened Sex is a lovemaking practice of raising the frequencies of your bodies together through sexual energy. By allowing the energy to become soooo high, your spirituality and your sexuality merge and become one force of devotion to merging with God. The practice may […]

Life transformative coaching sessions to enter Samadhi!
Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery

Enlightenment Is Beyond Positive or Negative Thinking

By Jafree Ozwald What is enlightenment? In the vast pool of consciousness inside us and surrounding us, there are three types of thoughts we can choose from; the positive, negative and the neutral. When we realize what type of thinking we are currently dwelling in, the moment we become […]


What is Tantra

The Enlightened Path of Tantra The ancient art of tantra is much bigger than sacred sex, it connects us to the divine essence of our spiritual relationship with God. Tantra is not about sex or spiritual sexuality, this is a very small piece of what tantra is about. The ancient […]

Enlightening Inspiration

Speak That Which Cannot Be Spoken

Speak That Which Cannot Be Spoken Written by Jafree Ozwald “Why hanker for security? Life is insecure in its very nature, hence it is simple logic: those who want to be more alive, they have to live in insecurity.  The greater the insecurity, the more will be your aliveness.”  […]