Congratulations Earthling!
You have arrived! Are you ready to radically expand your consciousness and integrate the great Intergalactic Truth?
Sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction. We are all part of an intergalactic community and have been since the beginning of humanity.
When I hear something that is true, there is a deep resonance in my body that feels like a deep YES from the Universe. This simple truth is an essential component of the great spiritual awakening that’s coursing its way through the new age movement across the planet.
It’s good to know that every healthy mind tends to be skeptical in the beginning and then drops the doubter over time. An unhealthy mind will grip tight onto its skepticism as a strategy of remaining in control so that it can feel secure and safe with new information.
What’s important to me in life is the truth. I have always known when someone is telling me a lie and when they are being honest. Since I was a child I’ve known that we could not be the only beings in this Universe. I was fascinated by the photos I saw of UFOs and knew that humanity was unaware of something outrageously amazing flying around in the night sky.
I’ve always had a scientific understanding of this world and tended to be a skeptic before jumping in with full belief. It wasn’t until I was 35 years old however that I had my own personally documented proof of a UFO lightship. Yes, I have a photo of a real ship with me in it! How do I know it’s real??? Here’s what happened…
In December 2005, my family took a trip to Mexico for a Christmas vacation. One sunset evening I was down by the pier and my wife (at the time) decided to take a picture of me. The most bizarre thing I distinctly remember to this day is when she shot this photo below, a subtle voice came into my head that said, “There are lightships behind you.”
I stopped for a moment and thought that was a super weird thought to have, and then didn’t think anything about it. When I came back home the next week, my web designer coincidently asked for a new professional photo of me to use for my website.
One of the photos I sent him was the one below of me standing on the pier. He sent it back to me with a zoomed-in shot of the lightship and asked if saw what was hovering behind me. I couldn’t believe it…here is the photo I sent him below.
It’s pretty obvious where the lightship is…
Yes, you see the separate lights forming a circle?
Check out the ship’s energetic aura in this zoomed shot
What do you think?
I would love to take a tour of one of their ships someday. I think we all need to see each other as brothers and sisters on this planet, and all planets. Only when we all can expand our belief systems to encompass an intergalactic mindset will we truly find world peace a reality.
The unhealthy mind is often terrified when exposed to the great unknown, while the healthy mind becomes more excited! So whatever state of mind you are in, please be patient and gentle with yourself, a great expansion of consciousness is coming…check out these links below to begin!
UFO DISCLOSURE – Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer
Patrick James Channel (deep files researcher)
Paul Hellyer 1-Hour Documentary Disclosure
Secrets of the Dark Side of the Moon
They Can Travel to Mars in just 12 Minutes
The Great Pyramids Generate Electricity
More Proofs That The Great Pyramids Generate Electricity
NBC News Report on the proven existence of Extraterrestrials!
The information I’ve collected on this page stems from 35+ years of UFO research throughout my life. Since I was a child, I’ve been obsessed with finding out the complete truth about our world. Uncovering all the lies we’ve been told, just so that our minds can truly see, and our hearts may fully rest.
As you read, I invite you to keep relaxing your body as much as you can. Your own truth will find its own way into your heart when your body is fully relaxed and at ease. Now, take a deep breath….are you ready for the first life-shocking mind-blowing truth?
Most governments around the planet have publicly confirmed that we are part of an Intergalactic Community. The USA is one of the last remaining to reveal the truth about their awareness. In May 2013, the Canadian Military has officially announced their awareness of 4 different ET species (beings from other planets) that have been visiting our Earth for thousands of years.
If you don’t believe it, click on the video below…
People may find it challenging to believe that aliens exist and live amongst us because our minds behave much like goldfish who have been swimming in a small fishbowl their entire life. How can this small goldfish know the massive size of the actual ocean and imagine all the many bizarre creatures that exist in this enormous sea?
The goldfish has only met and known its small fishself because it has never known how to leave the fishbowl and be exposed to the deep vast ocean. The goldfish has only met other similar goldfish in the little fishbowl. It has been mentally, emotionally, and physically secluded to its small circle for its entire existence.
In the image below of our Milky Way Galaxy, you’ll see a red circle that contains the 3000+ stars that we can see from earth with the naked eye. This is your fishbowl. Throughout our entire lives, we have had no direct visual contact with any planets or stars outside of this circle.
The more inner research you do, the more evidence you’ll find what the sci-fi movies have been preparing us to receive since we were children. There have just been so many lies told to us about our real history here on earth, that we’ve disconnected from the understanding of every past civilization all around the world since the very beginning of history.
We’ve been watching great fabricated movies our whole lives where lies are often mixed in with truth, so it’s hard to know what is what. The real truth is that this Universe is insanely massive and there is a ridiculously large variety of extraterrestrial beings everywhere. The Universe is creativity is infinite. There is no end to it.
The second truth is that for thousands of years, ET’s have lived on Earth, created many dwellings/tunnels, and are still living inside of our earth, and existing in super high-tech lightships often cloaked yet perpetually hovering in our stratosphere…right now.
Watch this NASA Tether video to see for yourself!
Some of these ET beings look just like us, others look much different. Some are like humanoid DNA mixed with animals or reptiles. There are entire planets of humanoid cats, fish, dogs, monkeys, and bird planets out there. There are also many variations from the tall and short green alien-type creatures we have seen in the movies (which FYI aren’t allowed on earth since 1992).
The Most Enlightening Truth However That I’ve Discovered In My Lifetime Is This…
Through all the extraterrestrial research that I’ve done over the past several decades, all information points to this truth above. Once humanity becomes fully aware of this fact, our entire spiritual growth point, operative consciousness, and interactive behavior as a species will change…for the better!
Are you ready for the third mind-blowing fact?
3. These highly advanced benevolent beings are the ancient “Gods” humanity has been worshiping and writing about in the ancient scrolls found in Egypt, Sumeria, and Greek Mythology and deciphered wrongly throughout the Old Testament.
How can we know this is true?
When archeologists dug up the very first human skulls they find there is NO GENETIC EVOLUTION of the skull’s shape to morph from apes, Neanderthal, or Cro-Magnon, into our current Homosapien species.
It’s obvious to see how evolution has taken place over millions of years from the Neanderthal skull into the Cro-Magnon skull, there are many variations in between. Yet, in the middle of it all, suddenly out of nowhere comes a radically different-shaped skull that they knew was not connected to any previous species. They needed to give a new name to it and so they called it “Homo Sapiens”.
This first Homosapien skull is sooooooo radically different that it has become valid scientific proof that the first human DNA on Earth came from some source outside of Earth. How can ETs reinvent life and actually do this?
Do you understand how far human technology has advanced just in the past 100 years? Imagine where our technology will be in 3 million years! This is the level of technology of our ancient ancestors who they call themselves the Galactic Federation.
If your inner skeptic simply cannot digest this truth, his amazing book of archaeologists’ research below explains it all…
(click on the cover to order it)
Archeology and history books have always referred to these beings as the “Gods” and it is true, they have given us life and taken care of us before history books existed. The only reason you are blind to this truth is that the ancient religions of the world have been programming the belief systems of the past 500+ generations.
So all of your great great great grandparents were all fed this lie. Nobody was told the real truth and if it was leaked out it was too radical, considered blasphemous by the church, and that person was killed or ostracized. The reality that we come from the stars was too amazing, and they just couldn’t handle it. Yes, we have always been deeply connected to the stars.
Can you believe in such coincidences like the photos below?
Are you ready for the next radical Truth?
4. These advanced ET beings brought our human species to Earth 50,000+ years ago, and consider us to be their “children”. They are here protecting us as they have given us life. They deeply love us. We are their precious babies! They are divinely kind and benevolent beings. In fact, most ET’s are good-natured beings.
Why most ETs are benevolent?
Think of the 7+ billion people on earth. What percentage of human beings are “good-natured” or friendly in some way, and what percentage want to truly dominate and destroy others and this world?
I’ve traveled all around this planet, visited 35+ countries, and met thousands of people from almost every culture and country. The one thing I can say about this world is that 99.999% of all human beings generally have a healthy good nature and a very very small portion .001 are twisted or malevolent.
Of course, some ETs have a power-hungry controlling ‘let’s dominate the world’ disposition and have been behind the scenes controlling the top officials in our governments from the very beginning (or around the time the Catholic religion was invented).
These are the highest elite beings in the Illuminati who are destructive beings the media will never let you know about. These beings are a very small percentage. Most ETs are benevolent, highly intelligent, and deeply loving. This percentage also applies to our intergalactic community.
We know what shows up on our microscopic level in the world, is also occurring on the macroscopic level in the Universe.
Just consider that there are over 10,000 Scientifically Proven UFO crop circles created every year and scientists now know for an absolute fact that they cannot be created by humans.
Initially, the ego is deeply embarrassed at how unintelligent, small-minded and limited in clarity that it has been. Yet, once the mind has expanded and seen the unlimited possibilities… Things get really exciting!
Watch this video to blow your mind to the next level…
I have always known that the mysteries of life were not unsolvable. The more research I did, the more I was able to see and feel the difference between fact and fiction. I realized these ETs are real, and truly amazing enlightened beings.
They are far more benevolent, advanced, and intelligent than humans are. They come from other worlds that look similar to ours, yet are more advanced in every way. They are our space brothers and sisters who are literally millions of years more evolved in technology, in their DNA, their cognitive abilities, and telepathic communication to just name a few.
Why would a highly advanced intelligence want to seed humans on Earth?
Like anything that evolves in consciousness, it must also evolve in a higher purpose and a deeper divine mission. Perhaps the highest mission of all is to create a more intelligent life. Human beings were brought here to be given a place to experience life. Every plant, animal, and species was seeded here from other planets. We are their cosmic project, like lab mice in a DNA Petri Dish, who were given land and life on Earth from a civilization of beings that are a million+ years older than ours.
We are currently being protected by this InterGalactic community that gave us birth. I have been told they have stopped humanity many times from destroying our entire civilization. Without the Galactic Federation protecting us, we definitely would not exist right now. Once humans are aware of the simple truth about how advanced these beings are, everything on earth will change for the better.
If you are a UFO skeptic, please do your research. Be skeptical as much as you possibly can, yet keep your mind open to the real facts and data presented here for we are at the dawn of a new planetary consciousness. Everyone on our planet will one day be aware that our Earth is a participant. If you are ready to jump to the next level…
There are sooooooo many interesting facts that prove how we are protected by our intergalactic community. In 2012 scientists studying the Sun knew that the solar flares were getting stronger each year and could engulf our planet at any time and destroy all satellite communications and potentially all life on Earth.
In this video below is a clip of a large plasma sphere that is approximately the size of our planet. Astronomers from around the world all recorded this exact same phenomenon and most believed the sphere was stealing energy from our sun.
However, there a few astronomers who have personal connections with ET’s were told that this sphere was injecting a type of calming “sun serum” into the sun to save our world from destruction.
Since the injection occurred we have not heard of any possible violent solar flare activity being produced by the sun. Watch this video below to view the plasmasphere and see for yourself…
Be sure to watch these tether clips that were leaked out from someone working for NASA. This is real NASA footage just to show you that our solar system is a huge parking lot for light ships. There are more light ships out there than you can imagine…
Nobody can convince you that UFOs are part of our everyday world. You will need to realize it for yourself. Just like in the movie ‘The Matrix’ where everyone does not know they are still asleep and lost in a dream. You will need to Free your Mind from the prison it was enslaved in.
In order to fully accept our intergalactic community as a planet, we must expand our minds to experience just How Massive Our Truly Universe Is. Watch this video to expand your mind now.
From this expanded understanding you’ll see that the Universe is just waaaaay too big to not contain other highly advanced intelligent life out there!!
(this is video super cool)
How can one be so arrogant and ignorant to believe that we humans are the ONLY ones out there with a UNIVERSE of THIS SIZE!! Watch the video below to blow your mind again…
Fascinating Facts About Our Milky Way Galaxy!
1. Our Milky Way Galaxy is 110,000 light years in diameter and contains up to 400 billion suns.
2. The spiral on our Milky Way galaxy moves at a speed that takes 250 million years to complete one full revolution. This is just our little galaxy!
3. There are BILLIONS of galaxies in the Universe just like ours, and some even bigger!!
This planet you’re living on called Earth is spinning around the Sun at 67,000 mph and we are traveling 584 million miles per year. That’s just our little solar system.
If you look out much further into the night sky you’ll find that we are also spinning around inside a much larger community of suns (suns) that are swirling together called the Milky Way. Our solar system is about 2/3 to the middle which is 25,000 light years from the center.
This means if you travel 186,000 miles PER SECOND for 25,000 years, you’ll reach the center of just our Milky Way Galaxy.
If you could manifest a spaceship to take you from Earth to the center of our Milky Way, when you arrive you’d find a massive black hole there which is a mere 1 million miles wide. This massive magnetic hub is what anchors our galaxy keeping all the suns together and inadvertently pulls all energy/light into it which supplies the enormous amount of fuel needed for all of our suns.
What is a light year? The distance that light travels in one year, is nearly 6 trillion miles (or 9 trillion kilometers). Light travels at the speed of 186,000 miles (or 300,000 km) per second, so if you could travel that fast, it would take 110,000 years to cross the Milky Way from one side to the other.
400 Billion Suns!! Please know the number is in the billions, not millions. Meaning if you can imagine what a million suns are like, then multiply the number 1,000,000 by 400,000. This is how much 400 billion is. There are many other galaxies out there that have double and triple the amount of suns inside them.
1 Billion approximately. This is known because 1 out of every 400 suns have planets orbiting around them, so mathematically there are around 1 Billion Solar Systems inside our Milky Way! AND NOW THE BIG QUESTION IS…
Approximately 10,000. Albert Einstein in his time-crunched the numbers and he said that mathematically, the probability is that the Universe contains around 1 civilization for every 100,000 Solar Systems. He said its a 100% chance that there must exist life that is like our own on other planets in this Universe. So mathematically, there are many civilizations who are similar to us in our own Milky Way! And we thought we were sooo special!
Albert Einstein also said that the probability is 100% of highly advanced life, much more intelligent than our own. According to Einstein’s Mathematical calculations, there are 10,000 civilizations in our own Milky Way galaxy, and 20-30 of these planets have technology that is far beyond our own!!
This means out of 10,000 civilizations in our galaxy at least 20-30 ARE HIGHLY ADVANCED and MUST have technology far greater than our own! Are you starting to feel like you’re living in a Star Wars movie by now? So perhaps you might be wondering exactly…
How many extraterrestrial civilizations EXIST in the entire Universe?
Hmmmmm…good question. It’s a great time right now to take a deep breath and relax about everything in this enormous moment. You must expand your mind immensely to FEEL just how big our Universe is…
If you calculate the number of potential inhabited planets in the universe using Einstein’s mathematical theory, at the minimum, there are at least a quadrillion planets (1,000.000,000,000,000) with beings and active civilizations like ours in our known Universe.
Remember that these numbers are mathematical facts documented by accredited scientists. The truth is easy to believe, once you realize that mathematically, we simply cannot be the oldest Solar System out of a billion in the Milky Way. This means there are beings who live on planets around those Suns who are millions of years more advanced in technology than our own. And, there are trillions of Solar Systems in the Universe which are millions of years older than our own.
Imagine where human beings’ technology will be in a million years from now…
That is exactly how advanced these beings are. They are from solar systems that are over 1 billion years ahead of ours. It is a fact that intergalactic space travel is real and we are part of an enormous Intergalactic Community from the very beginning of time.
A community of enlightened beings called the Galactic Federation has protected us from other beings who are not so nice. They have been reaching out to us for a long time, now they are waiting for us to collectively accept them. I found an actual written message they have to “download” to a woman on earth. They are asking if we are READY to accept them as part of our everyday reality and world! This may be even crazier to believe, yet just read it and FEEL where they are coming from in their consciousness.
If you are new to the UFO world and this is all blowing your mind, it’s ok to be highly skeptical. Just try to keep wanting to understand, and continue opening your mind. It helps to take a deep breath and accept that there is always something to learn that we don’t fully understand.
There’s a great book called Nothing in this Book Is True, But It’s Exactly the Way Things Are. Everything in that book is true. You can feel it when you read it. Just keep exploring, there is TONS of amazing evidence out there. This truth-telling book has opened my mind to understand that we are part of a conscious highly intelligent system of highly advanced beings who have seeded us here from the beginning.
These higher beings have been protecting us from destroying ourselves since our inception. In the ’50s, one ET species provided us with silicon chips, lasers, and higher technology in exchange for the DNA of a few thousand humans over 40 years of contract with our government just to help us advance in technology a little.
And now how can you ever consider again that we are the only planet in existence?
We are all continuously being fed many many lies by the media. The money greedy powers at the top of course want to hide the amazing Keshe Foundation has plasma technology and interstellar transportation technology.
Plasma technology will soon revolutionize all energy creation, pollution, world economy, and travel. It will create a truly amazing multi-trillion dollar global healing electrified business when they realize that sharing it benefits everyone…including themselves.
The best way to liberate our planet at this point is to free your mind and liberate yourself. Education is the key, and informing everyone who has an open mind about the truth, will eventually create a domino effect and change the consciousness of the planet.
If we want to be a part of the Intergalactic Community, it is vital to have an understanding of just how big our Universe is. It makes it much easier to accept the fact. You will see that it is impossible that there is not life like ours on other planets. The Universe is always MUCH bigger than you can imagine.
For example…there are over 10 billion trillion suns in this entire Universe, yet from Earth on a clear night sky, we can see only about 3000 of these suns. Our own little sun is just one of these little suns out there. Check out how small our little milky way galaxy is and HOW HUGE a galaxy can truly become…
So just how many other Galaxies like our Milky Way are out there?
You look up at night and may see dark deep nothingness, yet there is more out there than meets the eye. There is literally an entire galaxy somewhere waaaaay out there, in every direction, wherever you look into “empty space”.
If you shot a thin 1mm laser beam out into space in any direction for infinity, there’s a 99.999% chance that you are going to hit not just a star, not a planet…but an entire Galaxy with billions of suns planets, and life! WOW!!!
If you held a grain of sand up to the night sky at arm’s length and pointed it in ANY DIRECTION (with a super space telescope that could see 13 billion light years away) you would come to see 3000 galaxies.
Not 3000 stars… it’s 3000 galaxies in that tiny space at arm’s length!!
What’s crazier is that each of these galaxies contains billions of suns!!
What this really means is there is more life out there than we can ever know!
The deep field is the furthest we have been able to see. Below are the actual photos the James Webb telescope took of the “deep field” that is over 13 billion light years away. The deep black “empty” point of space the size of a speck of sand at arm’s length… and yes they counted it is literally FILLED with over 3,000 Galaxies!!
Click on these 2 photos above to view the old original
Hubble Telescope Deep Field photos…
So tonight… when it gets really dark and clear…go outside and look out at the skies…observe them for many hours at night in any direction, use infrared goggles and night vision glasses if you can. There is ALOT of activity out there, much more than we can see with our naked eye. With a Universe THIS big, how could anyone
think for a moment that we are alone?
Astrophysicist Dr. Frank Drake is a mathematical genius and has discovered an actual mathematical calculation and equation that proves that life MUST exist out there.
He says it is not a 99% chance, yet a 100% mathematical fact that we are not alone in this vast Universe. Because each galaxy contains billions of suns, and each one with solar systems with planets revolving around them like our own, every star holds the potential for life forms such as ours.
UFOs: The Greatest Story Ever Denied
The truth is always more important to know than living in some fear-based lie. We have all been led to believe in a falsely advertised deeply fabricated fantasy world that was created by the Illuminati. These highly advanced beings are feeding off humanity, killing our planet with their fossil-fueled and plastic-based money/power-hungry system.
If you are ready to know the truth that has been hidden from you your entire life, I met a man named James Gilliland who has had hundreds of contacts with UFOs and is visited his land daily!
He has devoted his entire life to educating the world about the truth. Check out his webpage and join his newsletter for a deeper understanding of how the whole world has been blinded by the truth.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to OPEN your mind, watch the mind continue to doubt, yet don’t buy into its fear-based story. The mind is born with the gift of doubt, it’s only your Heart that truly knows what the real truth actually is…
I believe that it is very healthy to have a skeptical mind. This means you will know the truth for certain when you hear it and that your mind will soon become an even bigger believer when it realizes the truth and reality.
For example, you may want to admire the work of a very well-known researcher named Steven Greer and see what he’s done for the world by implementing a UFO Disclosure Project. They are key to releasing the latest and greatest technological units of information that governments haven’t been allowing the common public to know.
In 2010, over 500 whistleblowers who worked on top secret U.S. government projects are retired now and all coming forward with testimonials and facts about UFO technology! We are now in the most exciting time on our planet.
It’s good to know that this web page contains a tiny fraction of the data out there containing proof that our Universe contains many many unique planets with extraterrestrial beings who are millions of years more advanced in technology than our own.
The reason that you don’t hear about the reality that UFOs are real is not because of the fear it would create in the public thinking they would take over our planet, it’s because the government doesn’t want you to know about the technology available.
Throughout history, our space brothers and sisters have been trying to enlighten us. They have been communicating with us and educating humanity to raise our consciousness in a way we can handle it. They are sooo much more advanced than we can imagine and know that we can only receive this enlightening information in a form that can be felt and touched by the human hand.
Divine sacred messages are being given to us through the symbols engraved in our fields every year. Around one thousand of these amazing geometric configurations appear out of nowhere each summer all around the world!
Think InterGalactically…Act Globally
The Thrive Movement to find out about the FREE ENERGY technology we can implement today to get off fossil fuels and coal for energy. This site is amazing and has everything the planet needs to get us all involved in helping our world implement the most helpful, environmentally free energy technology that will save our world from self-destruction! Know the outrageous FACTS the government was not wanting you to know!
CLICK HERE to get involved in the Global
Awakening THRIVE movement Now!
Yes, there are many clean energy technologies of extraterrestrial origin that can replace fossil fuels. This is why we have not been allowed to know this information until now.
IF you are ready to blow your mind to the next level, keep reading….
I’ve received information from a source that wants to remain unknown…
Currently, there are 1.3 trillion extraterrestrial lightships that exist in the Universe, and many are coming here to Earth to witness the shift in consciousness (from 3D to 5D) that is occurring on our planet.
This means that there exist over 1200 spaceships out there for EACH human being on the earth! If you go out into the country away from city lights and keep your head looking up all night long, you’re bound to see activity.
There are many countries on the planet that choose not to shoot at these ships by their military, and so the lightships come down to visit these countries more frequently. Yet ultimately these ships are so fast, highly advanced, and have telepathic pilots that it is impossible for a human being to overtake one. These ships remain cloaked and hidden from our view yet can reveal themselves to enter our dimension whenever they desire.
Below are a few UFO videos….see if you can feel and understand the difference between which is fake and which is real.
(hopefully these videos are still available as many are taken down from youtube for various reasons)
UFO Dodges Missile Fired from Earth
UFO Live TV News in Turkey (real)
One of the best forms that they’ve chosen to show us there exists highly intelligent ET life is through crop circles. The sacred geometric patterns have appeared in large areas of ice up north, in hectares of trees knocked down, in bushes, sand, and of course in farmers’ crops.
The amazing Crop Circle Diaries DVD truly changed my life…it has the evidence and facts about a new world we are moving into, how crop circles are created, and explain in great detail who/what is creating them!!
Crop circles have always fascinated me since I was a child. I’ve done my research for 30+ years and have found that crop circles have appeared as far back as history books will go. Of course, in recent times people have tried to create fake crop circles for public display of attention, yet they find that around 98% of crop circles are real.
The reason we know they are real is science has tested the actual DNA of the plants broken to create the circles and found they have changed in their DNA structure from radiation.
We currently have no technology on earth that can duplicate this. Another amazing fact is that the actual crop is not bent and not broken, and is bend not at the bottom of near the ground, yet midway up the stalk.
The fields of these perfect geometric designs are so enormous and appear in the middle of the night, that is truly impossible to even think that a human being could create this.
This is a Crop Circle representing our Chakra Fields Radiating through Human Consciousness it was found on 8-8-2008
For years people have reported there are bright balls of light found hovering over these circles after and before their formation. These bright floating balls of light swirl and form these miraculous HUGE precisely designed perfectly geometric patterns over large areas in a matter of seconds.
We now have recorded evidence of how crop circles are formed. In this short video clip, you can see the balls of light swirling, and the fields dropping in the formation of the crop circle.
View the MOST RECENT Crop Circles just created now!
Click Here for irrefutable proof that crop circles are NOT made by humans…
Perhaps another reason crop circles are created is to raise the physical frequency of the people who enter the actual center of the circle. Those who have had the privilege of stepping into a fresh new crop circle within an hour after it made ALL experience tremendous feelings of peace, healing, and great connection with the Universe.
There are of course many many fake crop circles out there and these have their tell-tale signs of footprints, broken stalks, no DNA changes in the cells, and no feelings of bliss inside. There is always someone out there trying to get attention. All these pictures are just a few of the thousands of temporary crop circle temples found around the world each year.
The websites below also contain thousands of photos of crop circles that are found as well. The purpose of this webpage is to help your mind to expand and stretch past its normal belief system into one that knows ANYTHING is possible. Read more about crop circles at this link
Enlightening Symbols Received from our Intergalactic Community
Life can be very very radical sometimes. In this case, the 22 symbols you will see below were actually given to a Sioux Indian by beings from another star system.
They told him that 12 of these symbols existed in a majority of the UFO ships around our planet today. Each ship carries these beautiful and deeply profound vibrational messages for the healing future of our people and planet.
These Enlightened Messages from space are here to awaken your potentiality, and evoke enlightenment in our mind-body. Try meditating on the symbols, you may notice you are drawn to energetically will bring about a powerful inner dimensional change in your body-mind’s vibration.
It is this vision these symbols have for mankind that will educate the consciousness of mankind, strengthen the foundation of Nations who are all in the midst of an amazing experience of creating a “thousand years of peace.”
Click Here for the full story of this out of out-of-this-world encounter with the amazing Sioux Indian, Standing Elk.
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