Manifesting Happens Outside the “Box”

Manifesting Happens Outside the "Box"By Jafree Ozwald & Margot

You are naturally a powerful manifesting being. You my friend were born with this innate ability to manifest anything you desire! If you have the burning desire for it, you can manifest it. Manifesting is a gift you cannot get rid of. Whatever you are focusing your attention upon with emotion is what is manifesting in your world. Each thought and feeling you are having is forming the reality that you are seeing and the experiences you are having. By learning to create and attract those positive loving, healing, abundant thoughts that you want to have about yourself and others, you can literally manifest anything you desire in your life.

"Old habits don’t have to be erased, they just become replaced by a new habit that is more in vibrational harmony with who you are and what you want." ~Abraham-HicksBecause your mind was conditioned in habits of thinking, you may be focusing on thinking thoughts you don’t want, instead of creating the new thoughts you do want. When you turn up your "manifesting vibration" you start ascending to the peak of your consciousness, and become more aware of how to let go of any "box" of negative thinking habits going on inside. We have all become conditioned. This is the part of the human experience. However, your soul decided to take on this conditioning so that you can grow beyond it. You are here to transcend those negative unconscious beliefs about yourself and the world that are causing you to manifest what you don’t want in your life.

"All problems become smaller if you don’t dodge them, but confront them." ~William F. Halsey

This "box" of thinking patterns run very deep and may feel even "comfortable", especially if you’ve had it for years. You may not even know how to let go and unblock the flow so that your manifesting vibration can grow. To step into a new paradigm of thinking takes recognizing the one that you are in. By exploring and discovering what is inside of this limited "box" of thinking patterns and feelings you re-circulate everyday, you can step out beyond them.

"It’s not what you know, but what you are willing to learn." ~Andreas Michaelides

Start today by watching your thoughts and feelings and notice where they tend to flow. Typically the average person thinks 90% of the same type of thoughts they had yesterday. If you feel your blocks are too deep, share yourself intimately with someone you don’t know and ask them what they see is stopping you in life. You may be surprised how accurate a common strangers perception may be.  Keep asking people, you will eventually get crystal clear about what is in inside your box, and understand how to step out of it.  When you do, you’ll reawaken your power to manifest anything your heart desires. Remember, who you are cannot be defined on paper.  You are a miracle, and only miracles are capable of creating miraculous moments in life.

"By changing the way I think, I’m changing myself as well, in ways I never would have otherwise dreamed." ~Laura CarrollMassively increase your manifesting vibration with Margot or Jafree’s manifesting sessions! For a limited time receive The 90 Day Manifesting E-book program FREE!! Unblock your energy, transform your thinking and manifest your dreams today at:
Many blessings to you,
Jafree Ozwald

www.EnlightenedBeings.comCopyright 2010. Enlightened Beings. All Rights Reserved.

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