Spiritual Awakening

The 10 Secrets to Experience a Spiritual Awakening

By Jafree Ozwald

Would you like to know the ancient secrets to expand your consciousness and tap into the Divine Spiritual Source within you?

Would you like a guided meditation to help you open your mind and relax deeper than you have ever relaxed in your life?

Keep scrolling…for you’re about to discover the greatest secrets to having a spiritual experience and finally find freedom from suffering here on Earth!

Note: Just by reading and feeling into the following information with an open mind and heart is enough to bring about a spiritual experience of life! To keep an open mind, take baby steps with trusting yourself on new levels. Make each moment into a fantastic new opportunity to grow in this enlightening trusting feeling and exploration.

It’s smart to go easy on yourself, as this can be challenging to release old beliefs about yourself. You’ll find that the more gentle you are with you, the easier it becomes to slow and advance to a much higher level on the spiritual path. Just sail on the wings of the birds below and enjoy!


1. Be free from the illusion that you are separate from an Infinite Source of love, energy and consciousness.  

Feeling separate and disconnected from our Universe is how we create failure after failure in life. This habitual illusion that we are NOT connected to the divine stems from the mind’s attachment (and avoidance) of our EGO. Once we untangle ourselves form these deep internal beliefs, we remember that we were always ONE, connected to our Source. All experiences of suffering are created by the mind’s lack of awareness in seeing your own divinity. Once we stop forgetting our eternal abundant nature, we are stepping forward into life as divine unlimited nature.

2. Quieting the incessant chattering repetitive mind. 

The Ego is the thought program. Like a computer, it is un-aware. It just spits out information and computes ideas that are about the past and future. The mind/ego is a limited construct of ideas and beliefs about who we think we are. The more we can silence the chattering mind, the less we are trapped in this Ego. You could say that E. G. O. really is an acronym for Excluding God’s Omnipresence. Only through the constant release of the Ego can we live in the true spiritually enlightened reality. We become aligned with the bigger Truth that are infinite Spiritual beings AND do also exist this physical third dimensional world.

3. Embrace and Release each fear that arises.

As you may have heard, F.E.A.R. really stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. To discover what you are afraid of open yourself up to another intimately in conversation. Let them see into you. Sooner or later YOU will be able to see into YOURSELF again and understand truly what you are running from. Once you know what you are running away from, run towards it and embrace it. It will dissolve and be released from your life at the perfect time.

4. Embrace and release all mental, emotional and physical attachments or aversions to everyone and everything in your life.

As humans we tend to get attached to people, and what they say, do or think about us. This occurs because we have this automatic habit of trying to avoid what is painful and stay with what is full of pleasure. The problem arises when we become attached to having to HAVE what is pleasurable all the time, or desperately need to get rid of something painful. Pain and suffering is just the Universe telling you to, “LET GO!” The purpose of pain is not to create more suffering upon you, it is to create CHANGE! This change is necessary for us to drop our ego-trip and return to our spiritual source again. Allowing yourself to genuinely enjoy your life is communicating to the Universe that YOU are connecting to this Infinite Source inside!

We experience pain because of one thing…Ignorance. Think of the word “ignore”, add a little dance to it and you get ignorance. When we ignore the Truth of our infinite being, our Ignorance transmits into suffering. To transcend this ignorance and find spiritual enlightenment again, a deep awareness is needed. With this profound state of consciousness, we can LET GO of anything that would create a belief saying we are not connected to this Source. Nothing more is needed to transcend this illusion and re-discover the truth of who you are.

5. Total freedom from other peoples’ unconscious myths and everyday stories of separation from their Infinite Source.

When you were 7 years old, what were you told you were not enough of? What was your “standard” story of failure or separation? Usually, whatever we heard our parents and siblings having problems with, we attached ourselves to it and The Separation began. Since our parents weren’t fully Enlightened Beings who constantly lived in wonder and amazement of the bills they had to pay, we got the idea we were limited. If they contacted this Infinite Source, then they teach you. Yet they had to send you off to an “education system” which worked about 15% of your brain’s potentiality and capacity, thus churning you through the grinder. Society never taught us how to be still inside, quiet our mind and emotions, meditate, focus on who we are or how to achieve inner bliss. They believed it was “illegal” to teach a connection with your Infinite Source in school. Society is hypnotized with a “thinking program” that success and truth are all about status, money, and career. The reality is “Success” is defined by how fulfilled you are as a human being. That’s something you cannot get from the right job, income, marriage, proper diplomas and P.H.D’s.etc…

6. We stop thinking that “Thinking” is a means of getting what we want and creating success.

“Think-aholics” have become the societal norm. It has become abnormal in society to sit and be silent alone. Most people run from meditation because they cannot quiet their mind and feel they lose control of it. The ironic thing is that ALL of the suffering, chaos, and illness in life is caused by a lack of control and awareness of the mind. Practicing “being” and sitting still, we naturally realize the Infinite Self inside. Instead of tuning into our silence more we are taught to think more and know more to achieve what we want. We are not taught the secrets of the Universe are discovered by simply being in the here now. This is by far the greatest success we can ever achieve. It is being at ONE with the infinite, all-powerful and omniscient Universal-God force. Is this enough for you to re-define your definition of success?

7. Hiding from your true power in a “safe” little fishbowl.

Thoughts are safe, while experiences are real and unsafe. We find it easier not to take the risk of getting hurt by diving into the ocean of experiences in life. We stay safe, comfy (and basically dead) inside our little comfortable fishbowls of “habitually doing” things and thinking things that once gave a sense of confidence and security. Life is a natural chaos that has a cosmic structure. It is like an uncontrollable rollercoaster ride because we don’t know the exact future ALL the time and know how to respond to each experience that occurs outside our little fishbowl. Instead, we think about an experience without even having one. Through T.V. movies, books we hide from our powerful omniscient Infinite spirit and pretend to be completely trapped in a mental spin-cycle of thoughts about “Reality”.

8. Let Go of having to be right all the time.

Being right can be the hardest EGO trip to get off of. To get off of it, basically means that you need to be WRONG about your entire life. If everyone tells you from birth to death that Life is a struggle, that it’s hard, painful and unfair, and you believe them, then how can you ever relax, let go, trust and surrender to Existence. We think we must fight to get what we want. If life is serious, we’re probably going to gain love, success, and freedom by stepping on or over others. The world is a community of beings. It is a playground, a play and comical stage where we can choose any role we desire.

9. Replace the “positive” results created from continuously playing The Victim in your life.

Through lack of awareness (ignorance) of our ever-present connection with the Infinite Source, we all have been participating in an inner victimization programming. This stems from a lack of inner peace, power, and playfulness, which can later create a dis-ease (a severe lack of ease) in the body. The Victim role we get caught in gets good strokes from others who feel sorry for our pain and send us love. Thus we stay hooked and asleep to our ever-present Infinite Source inside. When we don’t respond with awareness, we just react unconsciously from past habits of being victimized and thus create more experiences of being a victim. Many human beings on the planet are really ” human programings”. The same thoughts day after day after day. This creates a seriously deep rut in life, which the only way out is through being responsible for your thoughts and choosing more empowering and freeing ones.

I invite you to practice allowing your body to soften and your mind to open. You are already on an amazing inner journey of self-discovery as a spiritual awakening is about to take place in your life. Imagine what that will feel like. A child-like curiosity and exploration will provide you with everything you’ll need to know.

10. Choosing to suffer and stay unconscious.

Our society abhors people who step out of line. The people around us often criticize us the moment we try to break out of the societal “norm” of unconscious living. The unconscious way is more accepted, it’s even advertised by the T.V., movies, news media, radio, newspapers, etc… which all agree on one thing. That everything you need to end your suffering is outside of you, not inside you! That’s how they sell you stuff! Many of us are caught in this ridiculous Rat Race to reach a certain monetary status and level of luxury we think will rid of our suffering. This never works. The cheese we rats are after just gets bigger, and bigger and bigger. Many refuse to understand the basis, that suffering comes from this constant desire! When we are desire-less, we remember again how infinitely connected we are to the Infinite Source which is inside us all.

Choosing to be conscious, means waking up from the Rat Race. It takes much effort to go against all our friends and families beliefs to awaken. The great part, however, is that the Universe won’t let us sleep forever. She loves us much too much to let us forget our true nature. If you don’t choose to wake up while you’re alive (in your body), she’ll let you know when your physical journey on Earth is over. Then you will definitely know how she could love you more than ways than you could imagine.

Whatever suffering is occurring in your life, is because you’re dwelling on it. Right now, stop focusing on it. Let it go! Look deeper within yourself. Notice how big and bright your consciousness truly is!

To tap into this brilliance inside you, listen to my guided meditation below. It is guaranteed to help awaken your mind, open your heart and soothe your soul…

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Experience a Spiritual Awakening!!

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