In 1995, I took a trip to India to sit with a spiritual master named H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji). After 2 weeks of daily sessions, I had a spiritual awakening that turned into a Samadhi experience that lasted for many months. This massive shift in consciousness came into my life when I was 25 years old, and in time I inherited the name Jah-free (The God Source is Free) and discovered the path to spiritual enlightenment.
Since the moment of this spiritual awakening, my life has felt like it’s been on fire! I have not stopped writing books, blog articles, and hundreds of Enlightened Messages. I’ve given thousands of Manifesting Sessions to people and had dozens of Radio Interviews. I now have over 100+ enlightening videos on my YouTube Channel, TikTok Channel, and Instagram. All of this divine creativity has been flowing through me like an endless river which has given birth to the 50+ Enlightening Products in my online shop.
Perhaps it’s my Aquarian nature, yet I’ve always seemed to have an eccentric spiritual and metaphysical background throughout my life, and love to naturally awaken listeners from their traditional boxes of thinking.
I love working with people from all around the world who are genuinely interested in discovering their hidden manifestation powers and wish to discover self-realization, enlightened thinking, and awakening their unlimited human potential. I feel my purpose is to help you achieve mind mastery and discover a more intimate spiritual connection with Divine Intelligence.
In 1997, I got a job working for a psychic hotline in Denver Colorado, and gave over 2000 psychic readings in the 18 months that I was there. I am also a certified hypnotherapist, give emotional release sessions, and have the essential manifestation knowledge, and the Tantric Mastery Secrets for anyone wishing to become multi-orgasmic! I know this all may seem a bit crazy, but I seemed to naturally acquire these skills through the years of meditation and walking the path of self-realization.
If you’d like to follow me, you can join my Enlightened Beings Community where we will dive deep into the topics of Manifesting, Enlightenment, and Tantra. We will explore the Secrets to Life Mastery and I will share with you how to apply the Manifesting Technology found in my 90-Day Super Manifestation Program!
NOTE: If you ever want to experience a Personal Manifesting Session with me Click Here.
NOTE: Below are a few excerpts from my 500+ page autobiography describing how I came into the Spiritual Path. To explore more juicy details about my spiritual awakening experience in India…Click Here!
Throughout my entire childhood, I have been enamored by the mystical, magical, and supernatural phenomena of this world. When I became a teenager I developed a deep curiosity to know what God was. I wanted to know the secrets to real magic and to understand what the ascended masters Jesus and Buddha discovered on their path to enlightenment. This deep childlike curiosity remains with me to this day, and it is what brought me on my journey to India to discover a profound spiritual awakening that has completely transformed my life.
My story here begins when I was 23 years old, my father decided to commit suicide. My entire world collapsed and I began living in a lost pit of darkness, denial, and despair. A year after he ended his life, I decided to move to Maui with my first love and get married. It was a very challenging time for me emotionally, so I learned how to meditate and train my body to relax completely. I highly recommend that you learn how to do this because it makes everything sooooo much easier in this life.
“There are no accidents or coincidences in this world. Nothing is by chance. Everything you’re experiencing is a direct manifestation of wherever you’re focusing your energy, attention, and consciousness.”
For two years I meditated daily, practiced yoga, and learned many other healing practices to find some form of peace with my father’s suicide. With all this effort, I still was not happy or found real lasting peace with myself or this Life. In Maui, we came across a young woman giving Satsang named Gangaji.
When she looked into my eyes, her energy triggered a deep spiritual awakening inside me. I found out that she received her transmission from a guru in India called “Papaji”. Mr. Papaji had the opportunity to sit for many years with the great sage Ramana Maharshi, who since the 1900s has awakened thousands of people across this planet.
Traveling to India
In a short while, my wife and I decided to leave this amazing tropical Hawaiian paradise to travel to India and meet Papaji. It was my life’s dream to learn about mysticism and unravel this great enlightenment mystery. Papaji’s ashram was filled with over 300 people and everyone sat on a cold white marble floor. We were sooo squished in this hall that there was not enough room to even stretch out our legs.
After meditating in these circumstances with Papaji for 3 weeks something happened (besides a backache) to me. He gave me this very deep penetrating look in my eyes, and when I left the ashram I felt an atomic bomb explode throughout my entire mind, body, and being. There was nothing left of “me” but a deep penetrating silence. A vast empty Universe surrounded what used to be my busy questioning mind. Whatever was my usual mind/ego/identity or sense of self was gone, totally gone. All that was left was a pure scintillating consciousness in its wake.
My ego/mind was no longer believing that IT was in charge of thinking, doing, eating, sleeping, speaking, etc. There was only a channel of creative unbounded energy passing through this vessel. Nobody was left to manage, control, or analyze my thoughts because the ‘me’ was unable to assert itself.
The Spiritual Observer
Deep down inside a small witness remained watching everything. This watcher felt deeply connected to the entire Universe and all of life’s existence. This speck of consciousness was free from any doubt. It knew that there was only ONE infinite being that exists everywhere. It knew that “I” was part of it, and this “I” was already always one with everyone and everything.
My mind still had thoughts, or you could say that thoughts still happened to me. Yet “I” was no longer behind the steering wheel trying to micromanage and control them. Any attending to desires, fears, or dreams was not nearly as intriguing as resting in this divine super peaceful enlightening God Presence that was radiating from everything and everyone from the inside.
Everywhere I walked, sat, or traveled was an extraordinary spiritual experience. Every breath was healing my body. Every bite of food tasted like it was made for God. I had the feeling that I was constantly being breathed by God. It felt like I was living in some version of heaven on earth.
This samadhi experience made me understand that Heaven is available, right here and right now. It is not someplace in the future or the sky above. It is a state of no mind where the “I” is no longer identified with “me or mine”. Heaven is a state of consciousness that intimately knows that we are ONE divine God Source, an unseparated source of unified consciousness.
The Magical Second Trip
This super bright highly lucid enlightening experience from my first Spiritual Awakening only lasted several months. When I moved back to Europe I became caught up in people’s emotional dramas, trying to make money to survive, and feeling the stress of being married. My spiritually awakened consciousness slowly faded out as my clingy fear-based ego crept back in. I realized that I needed to return to India soon to meditate and find real freedom again.
On this second trip to India, I decided to visit the tree where Buddha sat under and experienced his awakening and meditated for 3 weeks. What later happened became one of the most amazing life-transforming experiences of my entire life. I began experiencing many magical mystical unexplainable phenomena which you can read about in-depth in my Spiritual Awakening Experience.
What I discovered through meditation is that this body is either the foundation for bliss or suffering. It all depends on the level of consciousness harbored in our minds. When the body is purified the mind can see through the egoic veil. Through practicing tantra, meditation, and drinking Green Juice every day, it is sooooo much easier to see beyond the mind, above it, and through it. We can see how all of our sufferings are created by the mind and realize that “I am not my thoughts”. I know I am not this “inner world” nor this “outer world”. I am beyond them both.
Tapping Into Kundalini
When I reached 42 years old, I was deeply blessed to discover the enlightening world of Tantra. As you probably know by now, I don’t believe accidents or coincidence can exist in an all-intelligent divine universe. I remember the day that I asked the Universe for a real tantric teacher who could awaken my Shakti from within. I found her or rather she found me and Life has never been the same since.
Through Tantra, I’ve discovered that every movement, touch, taste, and breath in life can become orgasmic. This body is built for pleasure because we were all born from an orgasm (at least your father had one for sure ). So I choose to live my life not as a monk sitting motionless under a tree, but in the perfect balance of the radical creativity of full self-expression and the untaintable unmoving witness.
Osho describes it perfectly as a combination of Zorba the Greek (the ultimate party animal ) and Gautama the Buddha (the ultimate meditator). The best meditation for me now is resting deeply in my heart after having a profound experience of Tantric Intimacy with my partner.
I believe the Kundalini must be first sensually aroused before we can become deeply spiritually intimate within ourselves. Tantra is my path to release the perpetually attempting grip of the ego, let go of all the masks, fears, and ambitions, and fall into deep relaxation with life.
I feel that the path of experiencing God through sex can only be found through awakening your Kundalini. The Kundalini is the sexual portal to God. That energy opens you to bliss and inspires, energizes, and enlightens you on every level. The sex activity in itself is meant to awaken this spiritual power inside us, yet it only happens when the person has a super green clean diet and is doing yoga and meditating daily. I’ve created my own personal Kundalini Awakening Program for your enjoyment if you wish to explore this deeper.
Deeper Realizations
Through my years of traveling around the world, visiting 25+ different countries, and having the privilege of living full-time in 5 different countries, I’ve had some very deep and intimate spiritual realizations about how precious this life is. We are amazing Divine/Human beings who have deeply forgotten the magical truth of who we are.
We have lost touch with a deeply rooted spirituality that is resting at peace with our sacred sexuality. The merging of these worlds together creates our natural tantric connection to God.
There is nothing wrong with us. We were born perfect beings. We are just taught to believe that sex is dirty, that we have limited power because we are separate from God, and so we must struggle through this entire life like everyone else. The simple truth that I have directly experienced is that you and I are Divine. We are beings of light and unlimited on every level.
Through these Spiritual Secrets of Meditation, we can stop all forms of suffering. We can understand that there is nothing we need to fix and that there is no ego to get rid of. We can understand how there are no important spiritual practices that we have to perform to attain some higher spiritual goal.
My Enlightening Contribution
I have to say that in no way do I refer to myself as fully “enlightened”. Just to make it clear, I’ve never announced to the world that I am fully enlightened, far from it. I had this spiritual awakening almost 30 years ago and integrating that is my life’s work. Yes, I was living in samadhi which is the highest spiritual experience man can achieve. Yet, there is still karma for me to work out, and I know my life lessons are not as deep and juicy if I try to rise above things with this spiritually evolved ego and there is no depth of empathy or emotion.
Here’s the secret for you to dig into it. The moment you realize that YOU are already are God creating your life in each second of your day, you’ll feel sooooo deeply connected, open-hearted, and open-minded that you will immediately become free from your ego’s grasp. Here you begin to naturally abide in this super holy present moment. From this space, you spontaneously follow life and go wherever your spirit guide tells you to go.
When I discovered this truth from seeking spiritual answers, it transformed my inner world deeply. I have devoted my entire life to teaching people all around this world how to awaken. I continue to practice meditation and fulfill my mission of helping enlighten the planet through this web portal and continuously sending out Daily Enlightened Email Messages.
Through all the years of falling back asleep and reawakening, I’ve had to surrender my life to the highest possible purpose that a human being can take on. The path of ascension through purifying the body/mind to naturally Enlighten and expand consciousness.
Check out these 150+ Testimonials from ordinary people who have manifested the most amazing things with this program. Experience my Manifesting Meditations, or my 250-page manifesting manual, manifesting ecourses, videos, and the magical manifestation formula! When you follow my 90-day program you are 100% GUARANTEED to skyrocket your vibration and start manifesting your dream life!
The Super Manifestor Program
The greatest gold of all that has come through me as a result of this long spiritual quest is detailed with specific action steps inside a 90-day Online Super Manifestation Program. This is truly a treasure chest and a manifesting goldmine of exercises that have worked miracles in thousands of people’s lives.
It contains the secret formulas for maintaining this enlightened state which you can access instantly now. This technology will gently massage a higher consciousness into your brain and increase the vibration of your body. It’s the most wonderful experience any human being can ask for, besides learning how to become a multi-orgasmic Tantric Being in the bedroom!
If you should ever feel spiritually lost in the world, or trapped in your dramas, do not hesitate to take action. You do not need to travel to India. You can simply change your life habits and see amazing results very quickly! Start with eating raw for 21 days, drinking organic Green Juice, doing a colon cleanse, practicing Tantra, Samadhi Yoga, and Meditation! Practicing any one of these habits will enlighten your consciousness.
By integrating the ancient secrets revealed in my 90-day program, anyone can start operating at this higher state of Samadhi consciousness and be free from the trap of human suffering. Hallelujah!!
I believe that when we are in alignment with our life mission, and living from our highest consciousness, we naturally and effortlessly manifest the life of our dreams. It just happens… the moment we awaken this divine understanding of who and what we truly are, our energy field changes, and everything we desire begins to come into our life easily and effortlessly.
Read all of the spiritually juicy details about my life in my Spiritual Awakening Story.
Watch over 100 enlightening videos on my YouTube Channel, TikTok Channel, or posts on my Instagram. Soothe your eyes and awaken your ears by Listening to my Enlightening Radio Interviews where we are discussing mainly the topics of Enlightenment, Tantra, and Manifesting… Enjoy!
If you ever want to experience a Personal Manifesting Session with me Click Here.
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