Akashic Journey

Guided Meditation Journey
Into The Akashic Records!


What Are The Akashic Records?

The 4 Secrets to Access the Akashic Records

What you’ll experience…

  • A sacred place where you can receive answers on your personal relationships, finances, life mission, and future!
  • A Calming Healing Experience that will allow you to Relax Deeper than You Have in your Entire Life!
  • An Increase in Consciousness and quietness of mind chatter.

Do you ever have an issue in your life that tends to repeat itself and NEVER seems to never shift? This issue is most likely based on a past life experience that is embedded in your subconscious like a splinter in your mind. Often we tend to repeat the same mistakes until we actually learn our lesson. The moment we understand the lesson, everything begins to change.

The information you’ll find in your records contains your life purpose, personal blocks, relationship issues, past lives, finances, career decisions, residential decisions, personal matters, and basically anything you want to know about yourself.

Your Akashic Records contains the “secret key insights” that will assist you in making the right decisions, and taking the right actions to create the amazing life you were meant to live. Often this information produces a gentle relaxation and healing, and sometimes a rapid transformation.

Knowing how to enter into the Akashic Record ignites a deeper awareness within you that can illuminate and eliminate the painful illusions that have been running your life. This inner knowledge can provide a new perspective and paradigm for experiencing your life and your world.

Just looking into your Akashic Records for a few seconds with a vital question in mind can alleviate years of future suffering and potential struggle. It helps you to relax into your life and have clarity on what life you want to create. The understanding and learning from your Akashic Records raises your awareness and knowledge that will bring more peace, power, and healing into your life.

The messages that are written in your soul’s personal records reveal much of what we need to alleviate our current state of suffering. This can be very empowering and will create a more purpose-driven life. The more that you understand who you are, the less there is to fear. The less fear you have, the more you can relax, making it easier to release any internal conflict you may have. Over time this will help you to manifest exactly what you want!

The information you’ll discover on taking your own guided Akashic Inner Journey is much more than having your own psychic reading from home. This is an opening of your intuition which provides a real glimpse into your Soul’s true path and destiny. It is a ticket to inner freedom in that you can uncover your purpose in life and start living your full potentiality.

We each have access to this information because we are each intimately connected to the Universe, yet sometimes the mind becomes very busy and blocks the connection to this infinite internal database. The Akashic field of information is very real. It is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information that are found within everything and everyone in this Universe. It is the informational highway that connects all people and things.

The experience of your Akashic Records may also reveal a personal vision of your most enlightened future self or events from the past that you may need help releasing. Learning how to read your Akashic Records is an experience that will benefit you and others for the rest of your life!

It will help you reveal the practical path your life is on while assisting you in understanding the deeper spiritual meaning behind what is really going on. The information you can receive in just one guided journey into your Akashic Records can reveal your life mission, purpose, past lives, and soul lessons to help you create an amazing life that you LOVE!

Experiencing a sacred inner journey into the Akashic Records is an amazing gift to yourself, and is something you will be able to refer to for the REST OF YOUR LIFE! The Universe is the greatest learning playground there is, you might as well learn how to truly enjoy it!

By taking a Guided Meditation Journey into viewing your own Akashic Records you’ll begin having the inner adventure of a lifetime! You’ll receive instructions and guidance on how to enter into this deepest and most empowering state of being. You’ll be exploring your core innermost being on this powerful inward experience that can be experienced in the privacy of your own home.

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Guided Meditation Journey
to Enter The Akashic Records

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“Thank you so much. Your voice is very calming and effective.  I really enjoyed my journey.  Feels nice to be on the ‘other side’ of things. Was very revealing to me and I feel such peace. Namaste!” ~Reverend Jenine