Samadhi Coaching Sessions with Jafree Ozwald

Would You Like to Have a Life Transforming Spiritual Experience?

After my first Samadhi experience in 1995, I knew that this was something the world deserves to experience. I realized that ANYONE could experience a taste of this absolute freedom and divine state of bliss. With the right guidance, actions, awareness and understanding, the state of Samadhi simply has to occur for you.” ~Jafree Ozwald

Life transformative coaching sessions to enter Samadhi!

Samadhi is a profound shift in your consciousness where you experience a very quiet mind that is intimately connected with the God Source.

In Samadhi, you feel the deepest peace that you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. Nothing in this world can stress you anymore, you know deep down that all is well and spiritually feel how you are at one with all things.

In Samadhi consciousness there’s no clinging to life anymore or to the fear of change. The veil of the ego is destroyed and there is no more fear in your life period! It’s amazing! Each moment is a new heart opening exploration of the Divine.

Even tasting Samadhi consciousness for a few seconds can transform your life forever! There is truly sooo much peace within you that NOTHING can disturb you which massively increases your ability to attract what you want in your life!

Life transformative coaching sessions to enter Samadhi!

“I have been meditating for about thirty years using various techniques but have not found one that would take me into the ‘silence’ as quickly and deeply as yours. I ran a small meditation group of fourteen last evening and introduced them to your Samadhi meditation, and without exception, all of these ‘wannabe’ meditators claimed that they had not been taken so deep before.” ~Bill Ellis, Wrexham, United Kingdom

In just one Samadhi session it’s possible to taste the deepest inner peace that you’ll ever experience throughout your entire life!

What’s a Samadhi Session and How Does It Work?

We will go through a deep, intimate personal process together where you’ll receive the transmission of my energy, knowledge, and frequency from my months of living in Samadhi.

It may sound like a very simple thing to just be calm, peaceful and silent inside, yet try to do it alone and you will see how difficult it is. The mind contains deep anxieties, perpetual desires, belief systems and unconscious programs that make you unable to relax.

By releasing these anxiety patterns and diving into the experience of the divine infinite being you truly are, you realize you are a soul who can never ever die. Once you know this and can feel this, I will teach you my techniques for walking around with a living embodiment of this knowledge all day long.

There are many limiting feelings, thoughts, and habitual patterns that are instantly released when we step into Samadhi.

The experiences and exercises given during our sessions will allow you to relax and enter a more enlightened space in your mind, body, and being.

It’s good to remember that Samadhi Sessions are a personal exploration of your soul. Reaching Samadhi consciousness is born out of the direct realization of the Truth of who and what you truly are.

The session is not about fixing yourself of making a spiritual experience out of a non-spiritual experience. It’s about seeing that each experience truly is divine.

Through our work together you will have the tools you need to reach this heightened state of consciousness.

Life transformative coaching sessions to enter Samadhi!

How will we meet for the Samadhi Session and how you can prepare yourself?

Our meeting will be held over the phone or live video call if you prefer. Seeing my face directly over the screen can assist in easily receiving the transmission of information on psychic, emotional and energetic levels.

You are free to share about any blocks or personal challenges that you’re having before our session, and I will meditate on them before we meet for higher direction and guidance.

The conversations we have are focused solely on a deeply spiritual and personal level on your consciousness and elevating you to tap into Samadhi.

We may discuss anything that is happening in your relationships or personal life, yet the main focus is about giving you a taste of Samadhi Consciousness.

My job as your facilitator is to help you to pierce through all the clutter of your mind which is full of distractions, fears, insecurities, and mental blocks.

Once these are set aside the doors begin opening and this is one of the first steps to reach Samadhi. The only way I can do this is because I have had a taste of it myself.

As your personal Samadhi coach, I am devoted to helping you discover a divine state of bliss that remains within you.

We will work together as a team to bring you into the highest state of joy, freedom, bliss, and enlightenment. My job is to provide you with the most loving, honest, and consistent positive focus in the direction of having this divine realization.

In just one session it’s possible for you to open up the gateway to clearly seeing what is needed for your enlightenment on this planet. You can get a direct taste for yourself of the state of bliss which can catapult you into deeper clarity and insight about why you’re here.

Life transformative coaching sessions to enter Samadhi!

Can Anyone Have A Samadhi Experience?

Yes! The Universe does not exclude anyone from experiencing freedom from the mind/ego and living in total bliss. We are all candidates for discovering absolute freedom and divine intelligence within ourselves.

The amount of time it may take for you to experience Samadhi all depends on how much you can let go, trust each experience and be receptive to this state of absolute joy, freedom, and bliss.

Some people are ready to step into Samadhi right now and just do not have the tools for bringing their minds to understanding what Samadhi consists of.

Depending on how ready you are for a spiritual experience and inner transformational change depends on how open-minded you are. If you are ready to “unlearn” the experience of suffering, you are ready to learn how to step into Samadhi.

Life transforming Samadhi Sessions with Jafree Ozwald

NOTE: The button below will add your Samadhi Session as a ‘Manifesting Session‘ yet it will take you through the correct payment and scheduling process. After your payment is completed you can access my calendar to schedule your session and receive the questions that will prepare us for our session. 


Life transformational Samadhi Coaching Sessions with Jafree Ozwald