Enlightened Being’s Affiliate Program

Enlighten your Planet and Get Paid For It!

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Would you like to help inspire the world
and create a monthly passive online income?

Hello, my name is Jafree Ozwald and I’m the founder of the global enlightenment portal EnlightenedBeings.com. I’ve created an online Super Manifestation Program which you can generate 50% profit from.

This product is 100% guaranteed to help people manifest whatever dreams, desires, or fantasies they have in 90 days or less!

The Super Manifesting Program has literally inspired the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in 65+ countries around the planet, and generated sales for everyone who has chosen to share it online.

“Explosion! That’s how I will describe your program. It is so full of wisdom and education. I have already read half of it and I feel charged with electricity! Yes, 420 volts of charge!! Thanks for showing the way!” ~Mohamed Nadeem

This Manifestation Program that you’ll be selling will help people create…

  • More Enlightened Relationships
  • A Super Abundant Income
  • Discover your Life Purpose
  • Have Peak Energy
  • Increased Joy
  • Higher Motivation
  • Deeper Spiritual Connection

We have over 150+ Testimonials that describe the specific manifestations that the Super Manifestor Program has done for people.

I know this can get a bit too exciting, yet you can generate a lavish passive income by sharing this product. For each sale, you’ll be generating a $63.50 commission on this $127 product.

As long as you have a PayPal account, you will receive a monthly commission on every enlightening product you sell with your personal affiliate links connected to our online shop.

Sign Up Here to Become a Super Affiliate for FREE!

Why choose to work with us?

You get a chance to impact the world in a positive way and transform people’s lives with this powerful enlightening information. We will also allow you access to share our enlightening blog articles which draw people to explore these products.

Yes, as you can see from our testimonial page, the program will truly enlighten and transform your friends and family’s situations. And they are 100% Guaranteed to see real results manifest in 90 days or less.

How Does the Manifestation Program work?

In 1995, I had a spiritual awakening in India that opened my eyes to understanding the manifestation secrets of the Universe. I learned how we manifest our dreams and desires and took one year to write a 257-page Manifesting Manual which contains the manifesting technology needed to attract anything you want.

Applying this information to my life changed everything in the most positive ways. I started a life coaching business that quickly took off, attracted $20,000 in one weekend, traveled to many exotic destinations for 6-week vacations, and built my dream home.

Since then, I have worked with thousands of people who were deeply stuck in a negative pattern and helped them to shift their lives and their hearts. I created new manifestation meditations for my client’s needs and added these products through the years to create the online program the Super Manifestor Program.

If you want more details about the spiritual journey of my life it’s in my autobiography.

You’ll see that my manifestation products are a reflection of my own life’s success. I have taught many people how to become financially free, live at their peak state of health, discover a spiritual awakening, manifest their dream job, and even the secret of how to meet their soul mate!

Since 1997, I have given Manifesting Sessions to thousands of people, coaching them on how to apply this manifesting technology. I’ve watched their hearts and lives transform within 90 days of the program.

“I’ve been on the 90-day course for a few months now and am really noticing some amazing changes in myself. I feel healthier, I got a promotion at work, I’ve started developing my online business plans that I’ve had for years… and so much more! Thanks Jafree! Please keep the inspiration coming. Best regards. ~Jeremy Gard, Brisbane, Australia

When you apply the materials for 90 days in a row you will see miraculous changes in your lives. Just check out our Testimonials to see the amazing results from this program.

The program is comprehensive enough to teach anyone over 16 years of age, the PROVEN secrets to manifest anything you dare to dream of having. This is truly like signing up for a semester of attending the world’s most effective Manifesting University!

When you register as a Super Affiliate, you can sell any product inside our online shop. The online shop is available to access 24 hours a day and they can instantly download their PDF ebook, videos, ecourses, and MP3 audios. 

Yet, the Super Manifestor Program is our top-selling product as it contains over $1200 of manifesting materials at a super-discounted price of $127. Yes, sign up today and you’ll never have to pay a cent ever! Being an affiliate is always FREE! 

Sign Up Here to Become a Super Affiliate for FREE!

Remember, every time you sell our $127 Super Manifestor Program through your personal affiliate link you’ll receive a $63.50 commission!

That’s right!! It’s a very large commission, and just selling 10 of these Super Manifesting Programs every month means over $630 instantly in your pocket!


How will you be paid? 

At the end of each month, you’ll be paid through PayPal where your commission is electronically tracked, accounted for, and transferred to you instantly! It’s super easy to get paid.

So I know this manifesting business might sound a bit crazy or too good to be true, yet everyone who has done the program has manifested a very specific desire or dream within the first month. I have been spontaneously emailed over 150+ Testimonials from people who have signed up and participated in this manifestation experience.

This is a golden opportunity to receive an experience of what 5D Manifesting Training technology is like!

This is a golden opportunity to Become a Super Affiliate Today and share this enlightening experience with the world. Get ready to generate a passive income and enlightened the planet!

Sign Up Here to Become a Super Affiliate for FREE!

There is NO RISK of losing anything, you will not have to make any financial investment to join, and you will never have to pay for anything down the long road.

How amazing will it be once everyone around you has these manifesting secrets in their possession and is living the most empowered joyful and enlightening life that they LOVE!!

A sale can happen super quickly because the testimonials from our program are outrageous. New affiliates easily generate a profit just by sharing this opportunity with others that they know through their social media platforms.

This is the time to start an amazing online business and manifest more abundance and freedom than what you believed was possible. It’s time to learn how to create a successful online passive income stream and transform your financial future!

Sign Up Here to Become a Super Affiliate for FREE!


NOTE: We know the Super Manifesting Program will totally transform and enlighten everyone’s life in less than 90 days, so we offer an iron clad…guarantee100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!

Yes, that’s right! Our online Super Manifesting Program is PROVEN to work in 90 days or less. If the customer has followed the program for 90 days and has seen zero results, then we can offer a full refund to them. We have an online staff that will handle all questions, concerns, and refunds. We take care of your online business FOR YOU!!

The Super Affiliate System will track all of your sales for you, and you can log in to your account at any time to see the total sales you’ve earned for the month. 

Everything is completely digitized and available 24 hours a day. So you have no physical products to handle, which means NO hassle for you to deal with. We only use an online secure SSL server, so every customer’s data will always be safe and 100% secure. 

Whenever people sign up to experience the program, their lives are going to be completely transformed. When they say ‘thank you’ for showing them this opportunity, your life will be transformed too!

It’s EASY to Enlighten the World!

The best thing I find about sharing this life-transforming Manifesting Technology is that everyone around the world wants to know how to manifest all their desires in life. Yes, everybody yearns to know the proven secrets to manifest their dreams.

Manifesting success in life is something we all have in common. The good news is that you’ve got the opportunity now to share this technology with them and generate a $63 profit from each person who jumps on board.

One of the most powerful manifesting tools INSIDE the Super Manifesting Program is the 250+ page, Manifesting Manual. It is the mothership for learning about manifesting and will provide you with the EXACT instructions on HOW to do it.

the-manifesting-manualThe Manifesting Manual This world-famous empowering e-book has helped hundreds of thousands of people from 65+ countries to create instant results by applying the secrets of manifesting.

This is a 257-page encyclopedia on manifesting. This amazing wisdom-filled book has 200 inspirational quotes, 21 powerful manifesting meditations, 13 proven visualization exercises, and the world’s greatest Manifesting Secrets for attracting anything you desire!

The Manifesting Manual will totally transform your life in the most AMAZING ways. It is the world’s most treasured online guide on how to create a truly enlightened life, that is abundant, empowered, and FUN!

You can Instantly Download the 1st Chapter for FREE and see for yourself what enlightening wisdom you’ll be spreading around the world!

You can share this FREE manifestation product for yourself and see how life just gets easier and easier.

It’s truly mind-blowing to SEE what happens to ordinary open-minded people who applied to our free program for only a few weeks!

These manifesting secrets have been transforming thousands of people from 65+ countries around the globe since the year 2004, and are proven to shift people’s lives who follow it daily. This is a powerful online business that creates real income.

Our automated system allows the average person from anywhere in the world to attain actual financial freedom! Our system is set up to work FOR YOU so you can enjoy your life wherever you want to work.

I bet when you woke up this morning you didn’t know you were going to hit a GOLDMINE in effortlessly generating an online income that also Enlightens the World!

How Can You Generate an Abundance of Online Sales?

When you register, you’ll receive my special FREE Super Manifesting Affiliate Marketing Training Program and learn my online strategies to make money while you sleep!

This is the internet backbone to building a successful online business at no extra cost to you. You’ll be getting dozens of powerful internet marketing tools that will show you exactly how to generate a monthly massive passive income stream and become truly financially free!

Get ready to start manifesting more abundance, love, confidence, creativity, energy, and personal freedom in your life!

This a NO investment you have to make as my affiliate program is 100% FREE to join and yes you will never ever have to pay for anything.

NOTE: You’ll never have to pay a cent to particulate…as everything will always be 100% FREE!

Sign Up Here to Become a Super Affiliate for FREE!


Yes, our super manifesting system is brilliant because we give you all the tools you need to make it EASY and EFFORTLESS to grow a highly successful online business!

We are devoted to you, to empowering you to create a life that is abundant, inspired, and highly contagious!!

Sign Up Now and share this manifesting opportunity with everyone you know! You will skyrocket your financial future and theirs for many decades to come!

Enjoy your journey and have fun enlightening the planet!

Thank you for helping enlighten our planet!

Jafree Ozwald

Click Here to Get Started Now!
