Donations to Support Enlightened Beings

Your donations are deeply appreciated.

Support my Enlightened Beings Mission,
and the future of my new daughter.

There are ways to donate below…


Or use any credit or debit card below…


We also take BitCoin and any Crypto


I am here to help facilitate a new era of conscious enlightened manifestors that reign the earth. I see exactly what is needed to assist humanity in the assimilation of the 5th Dimension and how to bring the collective together to enlighten this planet and upgrade the consciousness of humanity. 

My plan to do this will be to ignite the Kundalini Consciousness of 8 billion people who will realize that we are all God Beings manifesting our individual realities through this human form. 

The vision I was given is that the photon belt our planet has been moving through since 2012, will be increasing in Light as we get closer to its center. By 2027, the impact will be at its peak and we will have raised the vibration of the human consciousness and ignited a mass awsakening that touches everyone on the planet.

Any assistance you can offer on this mission is valuable…


Energy Exchange for Enlightened Beings Products

Everyone deserves to be able to experience my enlightening materials. If you like any product in my shop that you want, yet cannot afford, then send me a donation that you feel in your heart is right for you and your conscience.

After you’ve sent your donation contact me and let me know
which products you’d like to me to email you!!

NOTE:  It’s best to never feel guilty for any energy exchange especially for not being able to afford whatever I am charging, just know that whatever money you can contribute which opens your heart, relaxes your mind, and makes you feel abundant inside, is going to be the right amount to gift.

Think of life as a “spiritual investment” in yourself and know that whatever FEELS good for you is enough. As the law of abundance states, the more we can give, the more abundant we feel, and the more abundance we manifest in return. It’s all fuel for the quest to realize that deep down you are an all-powerful magical manifesting being at the core.

The Spiritual Awakening of Humanity

Even though this material 3D world doesn’t look spiritual, it is.

Everything isn’t based on the 3D laws of karma, cause and effect, because you are an infinite eternal soul whose value is priceless beyond it all. 

Thank you for supporting my mission to awaken
humanity into 5D Consciousness!!

Sending 10,000 blessings to you!