How to Get Off the Wheel of Maya?

Enlightened Beings ForumCategory: OtherHow to Get Off the Wheel of Maya?
Adi asked 7 years ago

Events come and go. Thats the wheel of maya. Let it spin around you without your attachement to any part of it. Let go off the spokes. Stay at center. Thats real.   What does this mean ?

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Jafree Ozwald Staff replied 6 years ago

Let go of the periphery of mind (the world) and relax/rest back into your center. The center of the mind is your pure awareness, which is stillness, unmoving, and is the only thing that is truly real. ~Jafree

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2 Answers
Jafree Ozwald Staff answered 6 years ago

This message from Babaji speaks about the MIND. The mind is always in a river of new thought and perception, and if you get attached to any thought in the mind you suffer. Let go of the periphery of mind (the world) and relax/rest back into your center. The center of the mind is your pure awareness, which is stillness, unmoving, and is the only thing that is truly real. ~Jafree

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Jafree Ozwald Staff answered 6 years ago

The mind will always be a creative flowing river of thoughts, assumptions and perceptions. When you realize that your thoughts create your life, you tend to cling to the wheel tighter. When you realize that you are the watcher of thought, behind the mind, then you loosen your grip on the wheel. When you realize that you are both and neither, beyond the illusion of duality, then you get off the wheel completely. The good news is that anytime you are attached to any thought you will experience a form of suffering. This lets you know where you are, if you need to let go more and relax back into your center, or rather pay more attention to the game so that you remain completely true to the present now moment where the center of pure awareness exists. This space is utter stillness, unmoving, and is the only thing that will instantly bring you back to what is truly real. ~Jafree

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