Meditation Is…

Meditation Is…

The Secrets to Master the Material World, Enter 5D Consciousness and Transcend Human Suffering

“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen.  You need not even listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked.  It has no other choice.  It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”  ~Franz Kafka

NOTE: Feel free to download my FREE Quiet Mind Meditation if you want help learning how to relax deeper into yourself and find the infinite peace within your soul.

Meditation Is… the realization and self-discovery that bliss is our natural state of being. It is the foundation of life mastery, profound inner peace, and mastering the 3D world. Learn the essential secrets to bringing this wild crazy mind to stillness, and 5D consciousness will find you!

The good news is that the deeper knowledge and understanding of how to master the mind, manifest any desire in the material world, and transcend all human suffering is already within you. It simply comes down to removing the obstacles to realizing that a divine god-like awareness is behind every thought in your inner world.

When you try to quiet your mind chatter, what happens? The mind gets stronger, and wilder then tries to pull away. It feels like the mind is the master and you are its slave. To become free from the mind’s grasp on you, realize that you cannot control the mind, you can only focus on thoughts that entice and lure the mind into peace.

Meditation Is… a Doorway to Experiencing your Soul

The deeper spiritual reason that helps in letting go of over-controlling the ego/mind is that ‘you’ do not exist as you believe yourself to be. Your mind still believes that you are this name, body, image, ego, and identity. All of these are impermanent forms that will not exist in a few hundred years (unless you ascend to 5D consciousness).

This illusion of control is a powerful one that brings deep suffering. In truth, everything and everyone is in the Universal Flow. We are all leaves floating down the great river towards the Ocean. When we let go of control and surrender to this truth, we truly discover a place of deep peace, power, and infinite joy inside.

You can try all you want, yet the mind (and details of your life) can never totally be fully controlled. Honestly, would you want to always be in control of it? That’s way too much work and it wouldn’t allow you to fully enjoy your life.

You can listen to my FREE Quiet Mind Meditation to help you relax deeper into yourself and feel the infinite resource of love and peace that is already within your soul.

Meditation Is… the Key to your Freedom

Life mastery is mind mastery. This happens when you drop the mind…completely. When you realize the truth of who you are  IS NOT THE MIND, then you are free from the clutches of thought. In this space, you can enjoy every millisecond of life because you are welcoming any experience that comes your way.

Letting go of the mind doesn’t mean you don’t think thoughts again, it just means you are not “buying into” its opinions, judgments, beliefs, and dramatic stories. This allows you to step into a life of bliss where the manifestation of your every single desire becomes very simple and easy.

When you harness the ability to drop the mind, this enables you to step away from it at any moment. You can refocus on what you want, instead of being sucked down into thinking about what you don’t want. When you are focused on what you want for long enough periods, with plenty of emotion behind it, you can attract ANY thing, person, money, or experience into your life with ease.

You’ll be more centered in times of chaos, more able to manifest what you want physically, and more healthy emotionally, mentally, and physically!  The devotion to yourself and constant self-love will be well worth it for years to come!

Meditation Is… The Exquisite Joy of Doing Absolutely Nothing

When you become the master of your mind, you will automatically and naturally master your life. There’s nothing you do to actually “meditate”. If you cannot focus your mind to be present for a few minutes that is OK. It just means you have experience in being unfocused. So practice being unfocused and simply sit with it. Be unfocused and experience your divine presence. This is the doorway to enlightenment and what transcending suffering is all about.

Practice being with what is, and letting everything be as it is. This will train and tame the mind to truly obey you. The mind tends to rebel, wander and be restless and thinks it needs more structure or control to attain all the ego’s goals. Yet, mind mastery is just the opposite. When you let go of control and surrender to the infinite source of the soul that you are, you master THIS moment.

The big question now is how much consciousness and healing presence can you bring to washing the dishes? Feeling the warm water run across your hands, the sound of scrubbing the pot, this too can be your ticket to transcending suffering, mastering the material world, and entering meditation.

The 3 Secrets for the Enlightened Beginner

 Below are my secrets for any enlightened beginner to awaken on their spiritual path. If you’re already an advanced spiritual being and ready to begin my mastery program to instantly manifested your dream life Click Here.

#1 Learn How to Release All Tension in your Body

Bliss is revealed within us when we release all the tension hiding the hardened mental cracks and emotional crevices inside us. To begin, practice sitting comfortably in a chair or on the floor, and breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes.

Next, imagine you are releasing every single good or bad experience that arises in your body. Just release everything until you can imagine your body is filled with relaxing healing energy from head to toe.

With each inhalation and exhalation, relax deeper and deeper into your spine. Keep your back vertical, and balanced like a stack of golden coins.

Relax your anus, and let go of any holding on the most subtle levels.  Let your jaw fall so that your teeth separate, and your hands rest comfortably wherever they may fall. Just let go of everything and see what shows up in your experience.

#2 Sit very still and dissolve into the silent space inside. 

Do not move, yet do not try not to move.  Simply be quiet, solitary, and still. This is the easiest thing to do when the ego/mind is not in charge of your life, and the hardest thing when the ego/mind is running the show.  It may help to pretend that you are a stone statue that just happens to breathe on its own. 

Don’t do anything.  Learning how to be perfectly still without any movement of the mind will happen on its own accord. When all your attention is resting inside, when the mind is pulled into yourself, into the “vertical center”, the body will follow. Imagine a pillar of light that flows through your spine, from the top of your head to the base of your spine, and allow your mind to relax in here. 

Eventually, the mind will slow down and all the mental chatter will stop.  Your life is a practice of patience and surrender. When thoughts arise, just watch them come in and release them as easily as they came.  Notice the thoughts freely without getting caught and lost in their story.  Whatever distractions may arise, just let them rise, and return to being ‘unfocused’.

Follow the source of pure presence in you.  Simply be empty, completely empty, quiet, and free. Your natural state of unbounded divine consciousness will find you when you are doing absolutely nothing, being purely nothing, and as still and quiet as a mountain.

#3 Honor your Divine Presence  

Bow down to the divine God being that exists everywhere, inside every atom in the Universe, including you. Experiencing your sacred presence is not about entertaining more lofty ideas about how amazing you are, it’s simply humbly recognizing the truth that you are the Source of God itself. This recognition will calm the mind.

If you need to focus on something, focus on being unfocused. With a 100% unfocused mind, you naturally fall into experiencing your divinity.  Be patient with this process as taming your mind is similar to training a drunk monkey on LSD.  Don’t expect any results from your meditation practice.

It may take 7 days to 7 months to 7 years to notice any major shifts depending on what level of spiritual attainment your soul is seeking.  If you have been meditating for years with a mantra, and still do not feel you’re not spiritually evolving, then you need to drop your mantra and simply be silent.

As long as you are using the mind to transcend the mind, you will be unable to drop into the God presence inside you. The mind is too small to handle infinite divinity. Just try to relax about everything and surrender to being present and completely still. The divine awareness will come to you.

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