The Enlightened Beings Quiz

The Enlightened Being Quiz below will give you a deeper introspective look into yourself to explore the beliefs, thought patterns and habits which are creating a more (or less) spiritually liberated experience of life.

What does it mean to become Enlightened?

Does being "enlightened" mean that you develop special psychic powers, can read people's minds, and see far into the future? Or does it mean that you're completely at peace with your past and future, truly humble and vulnerable in all relationships and never fight with anyone again? 

There are billions of ways we can choose to live our lives, and not one of them is wrong. The choice is always yours. Many people throughout history have suffered enough, and have chosen a more liberating experience of life.

These radical beings live in deep inner peace, continuously in gratitude, and are unconditionally compassionate in their relationships. They live in a fearless experience of life. 

Your Instructions:

For each question, select the answer which feels generally closest to where you are currently at in your life today, then click the purple NEXT button below...enjoy!

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