The Tipping Point of Humanity 💛

The Tipping Point of Humanity 💛

What is the tipping point of humanity?

When I watched this video I got
sooooo many tingles up my spine
that I had to share it with you!

His message gives us all an enlightening
perspective for a new future of humanity to blossom!

(Please share with everyone you know…)

The Tipping Point of Humanity!!

Click Here to Watch the Tipping Point!!

Why Is This New Enlightened World Happening?

Since I was a teenager, I have been a believer in science, quantum physics and the Law of Attraction. What happened on December 21st, 2012 was an event that left all astronomers completely mesmerized. On that solstice day, they witnessed a perfect alignment of all 9 planets in our solar system with Earth, our Sun, with the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

This great alignment only occurs every 26,000 years, and the ancient Mayan calendar saw this coming and predicted this would be the beginning of a new era of unity, harmony and world peace. They understood this was when the Enlightened New World “officially” began and as of today we are slowly seeing the changes take place.

To turn around a massive cruise ship thats been headed in one direction for 26,000 years is not a fast transition. It may take us 300-500 more years before we can all fully see, hear and feel the impact of this great alignment on a global perspective. 

The good news is that we are ALL going through the portal together and so you get to decide if you’ll be sitting in the first cabin of the train or the caboose. The train is already on track, the higher quantum light energies are pouring through our bodies, you are already awake, and we are here to watch and assist the rest of the planet integrate and assimilate this transformation. It is the purpose of our meeting here on earth at this time.

“The external world is just as much you as anything inside of your skin. You as a human being are a symptom of nature. You are not something that comes into the world, but something that comes out of it.” -Alan Watts
Sending much love and lightness your way,
Jafree Ozwald
Awaken the Super Manifestor inside YOU!

“The day on which we come to know the supreme consciousness within us, then the outside world will also appear to us like the expanse of the supreme consciousness. 

The whole will be a mirror to us when we become a mirror within.  If we stand near a stone, then we will be able to see ourselves even in the stone.

Then we will not look at the stone with that hardness with which we look at man now.  Then we shall touch a stone as if we are touching our beloved, because the stone is not stone, then it is God.”  ~Osho

Awaken the Super Manifestor inside YOU!
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