Month: July 01, 2022

Enlightening Inspiration

Cash Refund from the Universe

Just received this email belowsent in from Sri Baba Eric Lee,if you want to thank him emailhim at ericlee444@msn.comThis is a great exercise written by Stuart Wilde that will manifestmore financial abundance into your life… enjoy!Blessings,JafreeNow do this: Get a seven-day candle (one of those votive candles in a glass “jar”), […]

Enlightening Inspiration

Enlightened Message for your Day

From Aristotle to Wittgenstein, thousands of brilliant people have wastedtheir whole brilliance for the simple reson that they were trying to solve singleproblems rather than going to the very root of it all.  The mind is the only problem.Mind knows only conflict.  Even where there is no conflict, mind creates […]

Enlightening Inspiration

How To Let In A Great Love

How To Let In A Great LoveWritten by Jafree There is a great love already inside youthat is as warm, healing, nourishing andnatural as the blessed Sun above. Just for today let down your guard, melt your shields, and armor.Stop protecting yourself from this worldso that you can let […]

Enlightening Inspiration

How to Merge With The Divine Instantly

How to Merge With The Divine InstantlyBy Jafree Stop the mind chattering for a moment.Be very still, look inside yourself and seewho and what you truly are without judgment.Be silent and see this awesome Divine energy,consciousness and powerful manifesting being you are! For this moment, let go of trying […]

Enlightening Inspiration

The Cookies

Simply fun and light-heartedwith a powerful message.This ones worth reading…enjoy!JafreeTHE COOKIES At an airport one night With several long hours Before her flight. She hunted for a book In an airport shop, Bought a bag of cookies And found a place to drop.   She was engrossed in her book But happened […]

Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery

Dropping Comparison

“Comparison brings inferiority, superiority. When you don’t compare, all inferiority, all superiority, disappears. Then you are, you are simply there. A small bush or a big high tree–it doesn’t matter; you are yourself. You are needed. A grass leaf is needed as much as the biggest star. Without the grass […]

Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery

What it means to “Wake Up “

What It Means to Wake Up By Jafree Ozwald Many of us have this feeling that we are trapped in this body, caught in a negative mindset, and stuck in a certain situation in our life.  We have these repetitive thoughts and beliefs that get recycled again and again….thinking we are in some […]