Awakening from the Dreaming Mind

"If you want to make your dreams come true,the first thing you have to do is wake up!"  ~J.M. Power

A magical manifesting life occurs the instant you are awakened from the hypnotic dreaming mind.  The very first step to awakening is acknowledging this spiritually primal, yet foundational idea that YOU ARE CONSTANTLY THINKING AND DREAMING about something.  Just being AWARE of this one thought alone will create a new kind of aliveness inside you. 

With an awareness of the dreaming mind you can leave worrying in the dust, and dissolve away everyday concerns and fears about money, work, relationships, and the “unknown” future.  Realizing when the mind is off in desireland gives you the time and space to REALIZE that you already ARE an infinitely powerful manifesting being!  This idea immediately eliminates any negativity in your life. 

As consciousness grows within you, it redefines who you are, aand the experences you attract to you in the world change significantly!  What you choose to do with your time will ultimately establish a sacred bridge between you and the Divine…enjoy!   ~Jafree Ozwald

Learn more about the Secrets to Manifesting with The 90 Day Manifesting Program!

Many Blessings to you,

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