Be Totally Wild and Absolutely Free

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Be Totally Wild and Absolutely Free   
By Jafree Ozwald  

“The wind cannot shake a mountain.  Neither praise nor blame moves the wise man.”  ~The Buddha, Dhammapada

One of the greatest experiences a human being can have is the feeling of unbounded freedom.  Being totally wild and absolutely free means there is nothing holding you back.  You are fully self expressed, letting it all hang out, exploring every dimension, direction and quality of your being.  Good and bad judgments from your mind (and others) no longer have any weight or meaning.  You’ve simply become a fully authentic individual who is total in your creative expression, and who has stopped allowing the mind to dictate your experience of life in any way. 

You know you are completely free when you start feeling like a child again.  Unpretentious, uninhibited, full of curiosity, spontaneous laughter, playfulness, innocence and are totally unguarded.  You feel safe and protected in each moment, at the same time knowing this life is the greatest adventure of them all.  The inner child in you is always having fun, is in a continuous exploration of life, learning from every little experience the world has to offer.  Feeling the desire to dive down and explore the deepest darkest trench of your past, or climb the highest peak in consciousness you can fathom.  It doesn’t matter, its the freedom that is important in this adventure.  The freedom to choose the experience you want to have, and immerse yourself into it fully.

When freedom is ignited in your life it becomes a natural daily occurrence to let your hair down, laugh ferociously out loud, and dance naked under the palm trees.  By getting in touch with this wild childlike playfulness inside, you stretch your imagination of what’s possible with your life and realize you can do anything that you set your heart upon doing.  Radical freedom is not an easy task by any means to find.  It takes your full total being to give yourself to it. This total devotion, total surrender and total giving of yourself to your self, is what leads you to revealing one of the greatest secrets to becoming the master of manifesting your destiny.

On this great inner journey towards absolute freedom its good to know about the 3 types of freedom you’ll discover.  The first two freedoms are created from something or for something.  They are both dependant on things or thoughts outside of you to manifest and inner state of freedom on the inside.  These fleeting freeing feelings are obtained by an efforting approach, and not organically revealed.  The first you find them from escaping from some form of prison, either emotional, mental or physical.  The second you find from reaching for an end result, or achieving some desired goal. Both of these first two freedoms will come and go like the weather. They are limited time bound experiences and not what absolute freedom is truly about. 

“There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time. What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination.” ~Robert Adams

The only thing that is real in this Universe is that which does not change. This is the third type of freedom, which has no outer cause which it manifests from.   The only “cause” that this freedom blossoms from is the pure heart of devotion to the divine being you truly are.  The inherent recognition that you are an infinite, sacred, unyielding spiritual presence, who is beyond form and formlessness.  The moment you surrender to the source of this infinite creative energy inside you, this real freedom is found. 

When you realize your true nature is infinite, has no real cause, and cannot ever be blocked, stopped or contained, something magical happens inside. You find its pointless to continue trying to pursue the first two freedoms.  You already have found a freedom which cannot be matched or compared to on any level, so you simply rest in that.  It is the immaculate essence of your being, the central truth of what/who you really are, and it is so exquisite and instantly healing.  Best of all, it is always available for you to experience at anytime. 

This absolute real freedom is not created by any thought that you can think, thus it can never be destroyed. It is found inside your spiritual nature, the deepest place inside you which is always at ease, deeply quiet, relaxed and surrendered with what is. The spiritual essence of your being is radical.  It is open to all experiences in life. It’s willing to explore anything and everything, and this is something that does not change.  This eternal blank canvas of your being is always here, unguarded and always available for you to experience at anytime. 

The first two freedoms can only create more desire and yearning for more freedom.  I invite you to explore them as long as you need to until you are exhausted.  Then, devote your time to exploring the third freedom which is permanent and everlasting. The third freedom is only found from relaxing with what is.  Having a profound acceptance with this life simply opens you up to the multidimensional all-powerful being that you already are.  From this state you realize how to manifest anything you desire.  Yet first, you must surrender your efforting ego, and get beyond the judgmental analytical critical limiting mind.  You must relax deeper than the mind if you wish to find this bliss.  Just start simple, practice being relaxed as often as you can throughout the day.  Become relaxed about everything happening in your life now, and whatever happened in your past.  With enough digging inside yourself, you’ll reach a deep wellspring of peace.  The sweet calming quality is how you know you’ve discovered it. 

Every human being has the possibility of becoming enlightened.  Everyone has the option to experience the third level of freedom at anytime along their life journey. They simply have to want it more than anything else.  If you want this, you will need to overcome the distractions and obstacles in your mind.  Those ideas, compulsions, and desires which pull you in every direction except towards this final freedom.  Once you step back from the mind, you unlock the door to going beyond every limiting thought you’ve ever had.  The mind is the energetic prison that holds you back from absolute freedom, and when you can step back from it, all your problems instantly dissolve.

The day true freedom becomes The Priority of your life, then this magical manifesting mindset will be downloaded, installed and set as the new enlightening software in your brain.  You will start seeing your world very differently.  You will be realizing that anything is possible and you’re not limited by anything at all, except your imagination. You’ll know without a doubt that whatever you focus on is what grows and manifests into your life.  You’ll see that once you start dwelling on thoughts of limitation you begin manifesting more limiting experience and obstacles in your path. 

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Sending lots of love and lightness,
Jafree Ozwald

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“There are no accidents or coincidences in this world. Nothing is by chance. Everything you’re experiencing is a direct manifestation of where you’re focusing your energy, attention and consciousness.” ~ Jafree Ozwald

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