Just received this email belowsent in from Sri Baba Eric Lee,if you want to thank him emailhim at ericlee444@msn.comThis is a great exercise written by Stuart Wilde that will manifestmore financial abundance into your life… enjoy!Blessings,
JafreeNow do this: Get a seven-day candle (one of those votive candles in a glass “jar”), and place it in the southwest corner of your home. With the candle you can place any sacred or power object you may have. Next, you’ll write a letter to the Universe-at-Large asking for a cash refund. I’ll explain: In this lifetime, you have worked, you have helped people, and you have loved and cared for them. You have generated good energy, much of which you didn’t get paid for because, naturally, you didn’t expect to get paid for kindness. But you are entitled to a cash return for all that love and energy you put out, but only if you ask for it. So ask.Tell the Universe, Hey! I’ve done this and that, and I’ve worked diligently on myself, and I’ve helped others. And as money is only energy and I’ve put out loads and loads of energy, I want a return of that energy — a refund — and I want it in cash and right away. Or, anyway, as soon as possible. Add a sentence that says you love and believe in yourself, that you love and believe in others, that you know the world is abundant, and that you feel worthy and entitled to your cash refund.Light the candle and put the letter with it. Then each day, visit your sacred spot and ponder on the imminent arrival of your refund. Do this until your refund appears, restating your affirmations and replacing the candle each week for as long as necessary. It’s okay to leave these candles burning all the time just make sure they’re in a safe place.Expect a surprise. You’ll be amazed. When I did this exercise, I waited for a few weeks, then $30,000 dropped in my lap unexpectedly. Nice refund, I’m thinking. ~By Stuart WildeThe greatest abundance is heading your way!www.manifestingmagnet.com
Cash Refund from the Universe
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