“Come out into the broad open light of day.
Come out from those little narrow paths,
for how can your infinite soul be content
to live and die in such small ruts?
Come out into the Universe of Light.
Everything in the Universe is yours!
Stretch out your arms and embrace it with love.
If you ever felt you wanted to do that,
then you have felt God.”
~Swami Vivekananda
When we establish a relationship with the source of divine intelligence inside ourselves, all our relationship problems fall away. There are no more conflicts with anybody anymore…including ourselves.
When we can feel connected with the source inside our own bodies, it becomes natural to trust how something bigger than us is guiding our every action, intention and situation. We just know that it’s taking care of every little thing in our lives.
The more often we acknowledge the divine intelligence is here now, the easier it becomes to see and feel a higher purpose is flowing through each moment. The typical normal day suddenly becomes this perpetual cosmic celebration where every ordinary moment is overflowing with tremendous gratitude, lightness and ease.
No matter how much the mind is full of doubt and fear, there is an infinite divine intelligence inside you now, and it is real. It is guiding all of us in each moment. When anyone surrenders to this truth, they instantly discover how there is nothing more to fear or worry about in this lifetime.
You can fully relax inside yourself. Let yourself rest and feel that you can take as much time as you need to come home. – Jafree Ozwald
If you’d like to experience a radical shift in consciousness, I’ve created an online experience that will shapeshift your entire version of what reality is. My 90 Day Super Manifesting Program contains a goldmine of enlightening information that will ignite your life in the most expansive direction!
My program has been around since 2004 and it is 100% GUARANTEED to help you manifest ANYTHING you desire in your life in 90 days or less! Our manifesting technology is that powerful. It has been used by tens of thousands of people around the planet and is proven to work. You’re going to learn how to attract anything you desire much easier in 90 days or less!
In this download below, you’ll get 27 Enlightening Videos, 50+ manifesting meditations on MP3 audio, and over 360+ pages of Enlightening Information that provide the secret manifesting technology youj’ll need to start manifesting the life you desire!
Get ready to deeply improve your wealth, health, relationships, love life, spiritual connection and actually become the manifesting master of your life!
“Absolutely Incredible! When I started applying what you taught, money started pouring in from everywhere! I even found my Soul Mate by using your Universal Secrets to Receiving Unlimited Success! Now whenever I need or want something I just ask for it.” ~C.W., New York
“The end result for me was $127,000.00 in one month, and I paid off $80,000 of debt. Now I’m averaging over $50,000 a month! These manifesting techniques are delightful and easy to accomplish.” ~Sunny W., Atlanta, Georgia
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Jafree Ozwald
“I’ve been on the 90 day course for a few months now and am really noticing some amazing changes in myself. I feel healthier, I got a promotion at work, I’ve started developing my online business plans that I’ve had for years… and so much more! Thanks Jafree. Please keep the inspiration coming. Best regards. ~Jeremy Gard, Brisbane, Australia
“I really, really, REALLY love the lessons and the Super Manifestor Package. I am in the midst of reading the Manifesting Manual everyday, and it is so excellently written that I get SO excited to read it everyday!! It has inspired me to keep a journal with me ALL of the time now, especially for taking notes on the perfectly laid out, detailed secrets and keeping them with me. These secrets are purely beautiful and I am so forever grateful to you and the Universe that you sell these products… AND that I came across them! My life IS changing. I feel so empowered and so enlightened already! I. love. it!!!” ~Kenza Kadmiry, Sherman Oaks, CA.
“You are Amazing! This year it has been so difficult for me, I lost my job, I was feeling so blue and the only thing that really helped me was to keep reading your beautiful messages and they really help me to keep stand and fighting! You meant A LOT to me! I want to show my gratitude for being in my life when I felt so lonely. I wish you the best and again thank you thank you so much! Send you a BIG hug! ~Elizabeth Hernandez
Click Here to SEE Everything Inside Jafree’s Super Manifesting Program Now!
“The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love – everything disappears. One starts living with a very light weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in the open sky.” ~Osho
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