Schizophrenia and Spirituality

Enlightened Beings ForumCategory: PersonalSchizophrenia and Spirituality
Armaan asked 7 years ago

I am from Bangladesh. I am 27 years old. I have been deeply interested in spirituality and religion from a very early age. Though I have never tried any spiritual practice like yoga and meditation but I have always been very religious. I used to study a lot about various religions, occult and spirituality. In last 2 years I have experienced many spiritual or supernatural phenomenon within me. They were so strange that nobody would ever believe me. At first I myself thought that I was going crazy. But when I researched about my experiences then I found out that they were not madness but actual spiritual experiences. I have experienced the first two minor Samadhis and Kundalini ascension. I have also experienced many other strange phenomenon that cannot be explained. I have also experienced some abilities which are impossible for any human being. All of this happened and still happening with me without any Sadhana or practice. But nowadays, I don’t feel very good within myself. I feel completely lost, extremely depressed and hopeless. Every night before going to sleep I wish so that I don’t wake up in the next morning. I often fantasize about suicide. I have also faced many terrible and bad situation in my life. Maybe it’s my bad Karma from previous lifetimes. Nowadays I am feeling like I cannot keep moving on forward on my own anymore. I am breaking down day by day. I need spiritual training. I need an authentic spiritual path with a powerful spiritual practice to keep myself balanced and healthy. And above all I need an authentic and true spiritual Master or Guru. But I don’t know where should I go to get all of this. There are so many paths, so many masters… I am confused…which one should I choose ??? If you can then PLEASE HELP ME??

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Jafree Ozwald Staff replied 6 years ago

Ahhhh…I just received your message and must apologize for taking soooo long to return your email. We are each tested by life to be pushed to our extreme. Like a kernel of popcorn (ego) sitting in hot oil is soooo small tight and contracted, until it reaches its breaking point and suddenly it EXPANDS into this light white fluffy yummy experience of life. I feel that this is a very important time in your life to TRUST in something beyond the mind. The mind swings like a pendulum, taking you into amazing spiritual peaks and now into the muck of the ego’s desire to die. This is the basic normal nature of the mind, to give you extremes so that you can find the middle path. The 3rd side of the coin, the edge between illusion and reality where the mind/ego has to let go. You signed up for enlightenment my friend and there is no way around it but to let go of the mind’s duality and what is beyond duality. I will also suggest that you do my shaking meditation everyday and this practice for 20 minutes minimum as it will help release the dark emotional grip the ego has on you. You also need to realize that when the mind is silent, then your real Divinity will shine through. Take time each day to walk out in nature, and be alone with your consciousness. Sit on the earth, listen to the wind and feel it on your skin, Let the warm sunshine from above heal you. Nature is amazing at healing us.

Make sure you dive into my FREE online course of Daily Enlightened Messages to help uplift your consciousness at

Much love,

1 Answers
Jafree Ozwald Staff answered 6 years ago

Ahhhh...I just received your message and must apologize for taking soooo long to return your email. We are each tested by life to be pushed to our extreme. Like a kernel of popcorn (ego) sitting in hot oil is soooo small tight and contracted, until it reaches its breaking point and suddenly it EXPANDS into this light white fluffy yummy experience of life. I feel that this is a very important time in your life to TRUST in something beyond the mind. The mind swings like a pendulum, taking you into amazing spiritual peaks and now into the muck of the ego's desire to die. This is the basic normal nature of the mind, to give you extremes so that you can find the middle path. The 3rd side of the coin, the edge between illusion and reality where the mind/ego has to let go. You signed up for enlightenment my friend and there is no way around it but to let go of the mind's duality and what is beyond duality. I will also suggest that you do my shaking meditation everyday and this practice for 20 minutes minimum as it will help release the dark emotional grip the ego has on you. You also need to realize that when the mind is silent, then your real Divinity will shine through. Take time each day to walk out in nature, and be alone with your consciousness. Sit on the earth, listen to the wind and feel it on your skin, Let the warm sunshine from above heal you. Nature is amazing at healing us.

Make sure you dive into my FREE online course of Daily Enlightened Messages to help uplift your consciousness at

Much love,

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