How to Be Free From Survival ModeWritten by Jafree Ozwald "Go confidently in the direction of your Dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined!" ~ Henry David Thoreau You are the creator of your world. You are the one who has manifested everything in your life and will continue to manifest everything you experience in the future. So you might be asking yourself, "Why haven’t I manifested only that which I want?" One of the reasons is that your mind is caught in the habit of focusing on what it doesn’t want and feeling disconnected from its divine infinite nature. The most common block to manifesting is dwelling on what you "don’t want" in your life. This habitual feeling is all based on the need for survival. From the moment we were born, our mind was programmed to survive. This was the most important thing at birth. As we grew up we saw people in survival mode, working long hours to make enough money for food, clothing, and shelter. We bought into the fear-based program and started living from it. Years went by and an ironic thing occurred. The more the mind continued to focus on survival, the more it felt it could never do or have enough to truly rest and stop trying to survive. Even when your primary physical needs are already met you will notice the mind obsesses about surviving. Since your mind has already been programmed with this over-exaggerated survival reflex, it will continue to look for better ways to ensure your future is safe. The only way it can discover freedom from this survival addiction is to know that no matter what happens, YOU will always be O.K. This realization occurs when you discover who you truly are is a soul that never dies. Relaxing into this realization and the essence of your being is the key to uplifting your consciousness beyond survival mode. Deep down you know that Universe will provide for you, it does for all the animals everyday throughout this world, and it will take care of every need you have too.
"Awakening to the truth is a deep realization of what you are as an experience. What is it that is listening? What is it that is feeling? Feel it. Sense it. Welcome it." ~ Adyashanti
When you are living everyday in a habitual cave of survival consciousness, you are buying into the biggest cosmic joke in the Universe. You are pretending to be a beggar when in reality you are not just an affluent king, but The Creator and divine manifestor of everything in your world. It is as if you were desperate to find a few gold coins on the street when beneath your property at home is an entire goldmine! The truth is that you have just temporarily forgotten that YOU are this goldmine, this vast richness that never dies, and were only distracted by the idea of a few small shiny coins. The good news is that you can shift your focus back to that which will unlock this richness inside you. You have the ability to consciously live free from fear and KNOW that you can create whatever you want. Every choice you make right now is an opportunity to go deeper, and truly sink into this relaxed confident being who is free from fear. This moment now is your chance to KNOW you are capable of manifesting ANYTHING your heart desires. "Whatever the conscious mind thinks and believes, the subconscious identically creates." ~ Brian Adams
When you surrender to fully embracing your most basic spiritual essence inside, you see that you already are a powerful conscious creator of your world. No matter what happens in your outer world you KNOW you will be attracting the most divine outcome possible. Your outer world is simply a reflection of the consciousness within. Itmirrors back where you are on your path and what depth of understanding of your Self you have tended to embody up to this moment. Once you shift your state of consciousness towards KNOWING you are the conscious creator, creativity and creation, your outer world will hold you in the highest vibration possible. Then you will experience an entire new level of love, abundance, energy and prosperity in your life. So, to stop focusing on surviving in this world, start looking at who is it that thinks he/she is not eternal. What is the big risk that an infinite divine soul has in this world? None. What experience isn’t worth the risk in taking? None. As an infinite being, you are free from the seemingly negative outcomes of risks. Trust your heart. Take risks! This will blast you FAR away from survival mentality. You know which risks will make your heart sing. Do them! The worst thing you can do in this life is not take risks. So start today. Focus ONLY on what you want to consciously manifest and go do it.
Here are 3 powerful techniques to support you into fully embodying that powerful creator that you already are, and will always be. 1. Become Aware of Habitual Survival Thinking. The more you notice when you are in Survival Consciousness, the faster you can shift into Thriving Consciousness. As you go through your day, notice which thoughts and actions come from a place of surviving and fear. One of the most common places in your life where you may be plagued by survival thinking is in the area of your career. You may view your career as a way of surviving instead of as an avenue for thriving and consciously manifest whatever you do desire. You may say to yourself, "I have to go to work today so that I can pay the mortgage" instead of "I get to use my mind and my creativity to conscious create more abundance in my life." Take out a piece of paper and just for today, write down all of the survival thoughts that you have and burn them. You will be amazed at how much of your thinking is released from simply creating more awareness around this limiting mindset. 2. Bathe in the Awesome Energy of Gratitude.It is impossible to worry about survival when you are in the healing energy of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most powerful and transformational energies on the planet. Every time you are spontaneously grateful for how the Universe has blessed you, you send out a high vibrational energy that starts magnetizing even more abundance into your life! Whenever you are bathing in the energy of gratitude, you have FULL access to a deeper knowingness that you are abundant, loved and free! All thoughts of surviving literally disappear. Yes, gratitude is the most powerful vehicle that allows you to tap into your own abundance consciousness and creative energy. When you embrace gratitude as a way of being you naturally know the truth of your soul’s path and mission, and that you are already blessed with everything you need. From this place, you then become a massive magnet for attracting even more success, love, abundance and divine beings into your life. Whenever you start going into survival mode, refocus on gratitude and you’ll begin feeling more liberated to receive anything you want in your world. 3. Establish a Firm Realization that You Are a Conscious Creator. As you go through your day, repeat to yourself one or all of these statements, "I am a conscious and powerful creator in my world. I’m always manifesting what I most desire. Everything is perfect in my world." Just keep chanting this mind-altering mantra slowly. Your mind-body will eventually be reprogrammed with this truth. It may take a few days or weeks depending on your ulterior beliefs, yet soon you will deeply KNOW in your heart of hearts that you are consciously manifesting whatever you want in each moment. You are truly that powerful. "Keep your face to the Sunshine and you will not see the Shadows." ~Helen Keller Learn the most powerful techniques and tools to re-awaken the conscious creator within you! Our 90 Day Manifesting Program is proven to be extremely effective. Receive this program for FREE and jumpstart your creative energies with a personal manifesting session from Margot or Jafree. Sign up today at: Importantly, on Sunday April 22nd at midnight EST, the price of one manifesting session will increase by 25%. Session slot times are limited…today is the day to take action! May you consciously create your dream life this week!Jafree