How to Discover Enlightenment in Negative Feelings
By Jafree Ozwald
“Your task is not to seek for love, One of the most common questions people ask me is “How do I stop having negative thoughts and feelings? As you know, holding onto a negative emotional state will keep you from manifesting what you truly desire because it holds you stuck in a lower vibrational place. Negative feelings arise because they are trying to push you into a higher positive experience. Each feeling is trying to ignite your spiritual path and help you to grow exponentially The problem in life occurs not when you have a negative feeling, but when you resist the experience of it. Avoiding negative feelings means you are attached to having a positive The good news about negative feelings is that there is a hidden state of The secret to success in this wild inner adventure is using your breath as your “life line” as you dive through your most gruesome negative feelings. By using your inhalation and exhalation to guide you into and through a feeling, you will discover the power within you to transcend it. The breath is your passage to freedom, as it naturally releases any resistance or distractions that bubble up and allow you to remain focused and on the healing track. Diving through a large muddy pool of emotions can be scary or exciting, depending on your attitude towards it. It may take you a few minutes or hours to get focused enough to dive completely through a challenging feeling, yet with a solid intention to find the diamond, and using your breath to guide you down, you’ll discover a beautiful state of liberation at your core! Just dive into your feeling and observe the story, judgment, or resistance of it. Whatever you experience will transform when you stay with the breath, feel your feelings, and remain open to the experience. True inner peace is always found in the last place you would think of looking for it. Only by diving into and through your heaviest, hardest, coldest, and loneliest feelings will you find inner peace. The enlightened state within you is always available, the question is are you willing to face the dark night of your soul to experience it? This highest enlightened experience of life emanates from the deepest most calm stillness inside you. This great lightness is at the very bottom of your well, at the center of your muck, at the core of your being. You’ll find the most beautiful clear mind and lightest feelings from accepting all that is unclear and heavy inside. The enlightened mind knows it is that completely blank screen which is behind every muddy or sparkly movie. It has no judgment, preference or care as to what movie plays on its screen. It simply allows for the images, words and emotions to flicker upon it and it always remains untouched and unharmed. We have researched the science of manifesting and put together the most powerful life changing 90 day program for you! You’ll experience a proven manifesting process that will instantly liberate your mind, raise your vibration and transform your life! Learn how to discover the light being you truly are, shining at the core. All 12 powerful proven manifesting meditations and 90 day program can be downloaded instantly at Click Here to Become a Super Manifestor Now!
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How to Discover Enlightenment in Negative Feelings
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