How to Experience Spiritual Enlightenment
“We crazy spiritual seekers…spending our lives trying to awaken, instead of resting in the awakening that is already here now and always.” ~Kathleen McCarthy
Spiritual enlightenment happens when you are in a state of no-mind, where the mind is so calm and at ease that it seems to disappear… and only the witness remains. When your mind has completely let go of this world, and is completely non-attached to everything in it from a place of love, peace and compassion, then and only then are you truly free. The mind is our greatest cause of suffering, and is what allows us to be liberated from it. It is the great mechanism we need to transcend all “thinking” and discover the awesome natural state of bliss within.
If you want to reach the state of spiritual enlightenment, the first thing you want to do, is stop doing. Stop doing whatever you are trying to accomplish in your life for this moment. Stop thinking, stop efforting, and stop trying to achieve anything for a few moments right now. Just trust this experience. Let go of ALL your intense inner efforting for the rest of today. Just for today, relax into your body and realize in your heart of hearts that you are an Infinite Being and will never die. Allow for this one simple truth to be found in each experience today and a dynamic shift in your consciousness will occur.
Secondly, know that each experience you have in life is the “right” experience. Every lesson you are here to learn is being provided to you through each life experience. Remember, nothing is by chance. The Universe is constantly giving you all the consciousness you need to embrace each experience and each experience is designed to awaken, enlighten and empower you.
When your interpretation of each experience includes the knowing that there IS a divine energy who loves and accepts you just as you are, you can never have a “bad” experience. The Universe is an infinitely intelligent and conscious energy which is always supporting you to awaken into your greatest potentiality.
“In a single moment, in one stroke, you can become enlightened. It is not a gradual process, because enlightenment is not something that you have to invent. It is something that you have to discover. It is already there. It is not something that you have to manufacture. If you have to manufacture it, of course, it will take time; but it is already there.” ~Osho
If a certain problem or issue keeps arising in you and will not go away, sit with it. Face it directly and ask yourself, “What is the exact issue I would like more clarity and understanding about?” Write it down and voice it out loud. Find out what this issue sound like and talk with this “other” voice inside you who is creating this issue. Listen. Pay attention to the mental chatter happening in your head. It is pointing you towards the divine answer. Follow it with curiosity and let it show you the way through. Each issue in your life repeats itself because it is unlearned and ignored. Once you pay attention to the wake up call by realizing the infinite being you really are, your problems will dissolve immediately and spiritual enlightenment presents itself as your natural state of being!
Our problems, anxieties, and personal issues are like particles of sand in between our toes. Depending how we walk they either grind at us or massage our feet. Your problems are always your greatest spiritual teachers in disguise. Explore each of them with a childlike curiosity and they will reveal themselves as the brilliant messengers that they are. You have a greater wisdom inside you that simply needs a bit of nurturing and compassion. If you feel stuck and cannot see what your issues/problems are, simply practice being grateful for whatever is in your life right now and enjoy it!
Spiritual Enlightenment is a state of pure awareness that is free from the chattering mind and connected with the infinite all loving powerful Source. In this enlightened state, the world is absolutely perfect as it is. You feel, see, and experience the divine order in everything. There is a great warm love in your heart all the time and every action in your life becomes very very easy because your essence is always at ease.
Experiencing Enlightenment occurs naturally when we deepen in our sadana (spiritual practice) and are consistent with it. A constant focus towards the unlimited source of love, consciousness and power creates a more enlightened, empowered, loving state of being in you. When you have raised your vibration enough, your mind will relax and see the blessing in everything. This relaxation is a state of emptiness where you are surrendered to the vastness of this infinite Universe.
“Close your eyes and see it there. Be silent and have a taste of it. Your very nature is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something alien, outside you. It is not somewhere else in time and space. It is you, your very core.” ~Osho
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Sending you many spiritually enlightening moments your way….
Jafree Ozwald
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