How to Manifest the Most Amazing Year

In 5D Consciousness anything is possible...

How to Manifest The Most Amazing Year

By Jafree Ozwald

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow-lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain 

How are you doing so far with your New Years Resolutions? Have you made any progress or followed through with any of them? {name}, it’s not too late! Now is the perfect time to expand your horizon of what’s possible. Yes, today I am going to help you to upgrade your energy, improve your health, enhance your clarity of focus, and make empowering changes in your life! 

I’m going to invite you to play with me a bit here. Let’s explore your imagination and see what it capable of creating. Are you ready? Okay, so over the next 48 hours, you’re going to be mysteriously introduced to your own personal magical manifesting genie. This amazing force of nature is going to appear to you in a unique form that is seen and heard just by you. 

When you’re ready, this amazing being is going to grant you ANY 3 wishes that your heart desires. So I want you to stop and think about this right now. What are the 3 things that you really want to manifest into your life this year? Write these 3 things down in your phone because the next big question is a doozy. 

The genie is going to ask you for something in exchange for granting these 3 wishes to come true. You’re going to have to give up and let go of 3 bad habits that you know you need to let go of in your life to make room for these 3 blessed wishes. Do you know what you need to let go of? Take a moment to reflect on this…

 A bad habit can be anything. A few common examples are procrastination, excuses, negative self-talk, repetitive negative thoughts about the future, substance addiction with cigarettes, alcohol, recreational drugs, or pharm drugs. You might likely have an addiction to reaching for food whenever you’re feeling emotionally uncomfortable or insecure, or perhaps you have a habit of being unkind, unfriendly to someone that you care about. Take this moment to write down the 3 bad habits you need to let go of this year.

Now, your genie knows you better than you know yourself. Your genie sees through your games so you cannot lie {name}. Deep down inside you know what you should be doing differently. You know in your heart what is healing and what is hurting for you. Perhaps you have been in resistance to making this shift in your life for a very long time. Now is the time to dig in and shift gears!!

Think about it. Would you rather remain in this same old pattern, repeating a dead yet comfortable habit that doesn’t bring you joy, or would you rather break free and step into some risky unknown territory where a brand new experience of life can emerge? I know that change can be scary, yet not changing and remaining deeply stuck is even more frightening. So here are 5 practical down-to-earth steps that will help you uproot the old and rebuild a new solid foundation that is guaranteed to manifest outrageous success this year!! 

1. Open up to the feeling of completion with your past. Take the time to clean up anything that is incomplete or unfinished from last year because this will give you more energy to create new things this year.  Incompletions drain energy and distract your mind. Look inside and see what is really bothering or haunting you? Some common incompletions are unsaid things that you want to communicate to a friend or family member, an unfinished project at home or at work, or perhaps you are not following through on a commitment that you made to yourself. It could be anything simple such as cleaning out your cupboards, closets, or office drawers. Find out what you feel incomplete with and make it happen! 

2. Get in touch with what really matters to you. What do you really value in life? Why are you here on this planet? A great way of exploring this is to imagine that you only have 3 months to be alive.  What would you want to experience during these 90 days? Another technique is to imagine that you are attending your own funeral. What do you want people to say about you?  What do you want to be remembered for?  Dig deep inside yourself and find out why you are here on the planet, or if that’s too big a question just ask yourself why do you want to be here and make that answer your life mission!

3. Make a list of super fun and exciting goals. A sailboat cannot leave the California harbor and reach Hawaii until it pulls up its anchor and charts out its course to the island. If you don’t have a destination your boat will remain at the dock your entire life, or drift aimlessly across the ocean unless you know exactly where you want to go. You can’t discover paradise unless you know how to get there. So be smart and create goals for every area of your life. Where do you want to be one year from now in your health, career, relationship, and love life? Be specific and decide exactly what you want to see manifest as if it was a movie on the big cinema screen.  Write down each of your goals on your phone and look at it daily.  This will help you keep on track whenever obstacles block your path.

4. Create a mental picture of what you want to manifest. Your mind is programmed by imagery and pictures.  You subconsciously do whatever you see yourself doing in your mind’s inner eye. One exciting vision in your heart is all you need. One way to create a picture for your mind to focus on is to create a “Manifesting Dream Board”. This Dream Board contains cutouts of pictures, words, scenes, and things you want to experience or manifest that are glued to a large piece of cardboard. A more detailed description of how to create the most powerful and effective manifesting dream board is found in Chapter 2 of my Manifesting Manual.  

5. Find someone that can unconditionally support you in manifesting your goals. How many times have you broken your New Year resolutions in the past? Often we need support so that we stay on track with our goals and commitments.  Many people tend to give up on their dreams when they are confronted with some external obstacle or internal problem. In fact, the reason many people fail to make big changes in their life is self-doubt. They doubt their ability to manifest whatever they have envisioned and then give up.  Having someone to support and believe in you when the going gets tough will dramatically increase your chances of success.

It is important that you choose someone who can help you step through your blocks and challenges, and who has no personal attachment to whether you succeed or fail. For instance, you could enlist your best friend’s support, find a mentor, or hire me as your Personal Manifesting Coach.  

I know that if we get to work together on your life, you will experience some profound changes and success in a very short time. I’m committed to helping you manifest an abundance of love, joy, and laughter in your life. Please reach out and Sign Up for a Manifesting Session if you want my personal support in making all your dreams come true! 

Sending 10,000 Blessings To You!!

Jafree Ozwald

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