Spreading Enlightenment

"Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you." ~Gandhi

First, we wanted to thank all of you who are part of this list and who send it on to your friends and family daily.  You are amazing!!  We also appreciate all the amazing feedback and e-mails you send us!  Thank you!  We wanted you to know why we spend our time writing and sending out enlightening e-mails.  We feel that our personal mission is to help raise the consciousness of this planet one person at a time.  Our e-mails are designed to support this planetary transformation and create a globally accepted awareness that there is an Enlightened Being within everyone. We want to assist more people to know the truth of who they truly are, and what they are capable of doing, manifesting, and experiencing on this planet.    So here is where you can actually facilitate the enlightenment of the planet.  If you felt our emails have helped you in anyway, could you take a second to send the following link on to one person, two, or hundreds of people that you feel could possibly benefit from our enlightening e-mails.  Anyone anywhere in the planet can join for free here: http://www.ManifestingMagnet.com

Can you imagine what the world will be like when every person on the planet started their day by reading an enlightening e-mail?   Thank you for spreading the word!

Sending many blessings your way…Jafreehttp://www.ManifestingMagnet.com

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