The 3 Hurdles to Enlightenment

Written by Jafree Ozwald

Unleash the 5D Awakening Process

The magnificent divine being that you are can easily be discovered in the next few months of your life. You simply need to be committed to dropping every idea your mind continues to create about who you are, and who you are not.

By consistently letting go of the storehouse of thoughts, beliefs and concepts you hold tightly about yourself and welcoming an unlimited potential energy, you will soon make room inside your being for an awesome spiritual awakening experience to occur.

Enlightenment begins with the process of unraveling yourself. You first must understand the difference between who you are, and who you believe yourself to be before you can “unlearn” it all and experience total liberation.

Get to know yourself. Discover what makes you tick and what makes you ticked off. Acknowledge that the thoughts you’ve formed around your body, reputation, bank account, and overall identity represent only a fracture of the sacred contents of your spiritual essence.

The moment you recognize and know the truth of who you really are, the ideas you associate yourself with will seem silly, and simply drop away on their own accord.  It’s very enlightening to experience the deep sloughing off of all these mini-identities until there is nothing left but your pure essential nature.

The more intimately you know yourself, the easier it is to find and free all the limiting ideas you have about you. It’s not that you should try to fix, change, or resist having ideas about yourself. This would simply create more suffering.

The secret to enlightenment is simply not identifying with or resisting any ideas at all because you know you are pure consciousness. This sweet soul awareness is so infinitely vast that there truly is no thought which can taint your real brilliance.

All the ideas that you have about yourself are limiting and confining lies, no matter how lucid or real they may seem. These ideas may make you feel right or wrong, superior or inferior, happy or sad, yet all thoughts squeeze you into the mind.

They blind you from knowing yourself as Divine. Thoughts are the real enemy. They keep you at bay from experiencing yourself at this vast field of enlightening consciousness that you always are.

Imagine all the beliefs that you have had about yourself are represented by random splatterings of mud on the front windshield of your car. When you’re driving through life can you even see where you’re going?

If you stop to rest and enquire within asking “who am I really?” a rain shower of awareness falls over you washing all your windows. With each drop of rain that falls, the muck slowly slowly washes clean your vision.

After the rain showers have passed, the great central sun shines its warmth on your windows and all the grime is completely gone!  You can see clearly in all directions.  The dirt is no longer blocking your view, and your true 3rd eye vision, the divine perspective life is available again.

As you discover the joy in dropping all ideas about yourself, you will come across three lovely obstacles or “hurdles” to freedom along the way. These hurdles will become beautiful stepping stones IF you can approach them with a fun and playful childlike innocence.

As you step over these three hurdles to dropping your identity, you’ll start feeling what its like to take full control over the steering wheel of your life. By vigilantly practicing non-attachment to all thoughts about who ‘you’ are, the ego slips into the back seat and you begin driving your own car for the first time.

Through intense deep meditation you reach a state that is beyond thought, beyond change, beyond imagination, beyond differences and duality. Once you can stay in that state for a while and come out of it without losing any of it, then the inner divine love will begin to pour through you.

You will not see people as different, separate individuals. You will see your own Self in everyone around you. Then the flow of love from within you will be constant and unbroken.” ~Swami Muktananda

HURDLE #1  –  Find Peace With All Your Parts. Enlightenment is possible only if you can truly face yourself and find peace with all your parts.  You must become a deeply curious and trusting spirit who has a radical warrior-like approach with the ego if you ever wish to reach the center of your being, or the “I” of the hurricane.  To even get a taste of enlightenment for a few seconds takes a very devoted seeker who is tired of the incessant struggle and ready (right now) to surrender it all.  This warrior inside you must be 100% willing in each moment to give up its life for peace, and this simply happens by not identifying with any one particular thoughts. By allowing and setting aside all the good and bad memories about your life, you will soon discover a natural wellspring of peaceful stillness inside.  

HURDLE #2 – Embrace the Fear of the Unknown. Most people are afraid to drop into the center of this “I” of pure consciousness for it means that they’ve reached the very center of the mystery and thus MUST drop all the negative and positive beliefs about themselves. When you continuously drop the ideas about your identity, the ego’s controlling agenda is no longer in charge and the mysterious spiritual essence inside you starts taking over. You instantly fall into the unknown as if you were to fall into deep space for eternity. Here you realize how nothing you believed to be true was true, yet was simply an idea made up by the mind. This can be a terrifying experience for the ego because you’re switching off a life long of belief systems that give you a solid foundation to lean on. Your ego’s support team will try to avoid living in this great eternal mystery over and over, since it doesn’t allow you to define who and what you could possibly be. This “infinity of possibilities” is one step closer to the truth of who you are. It is the missing key to relinquishing the grip you have on your mind, and the ego has on you. This is where the enlightened pathless path to absolute bliss begins.

HURDLE #3  –  Transcend the Mind and Discover your Life Purpose.  When the ego is no longer running the show, there is often an initial experience of feeling lost, confused, unfulfilled and purposeless.  This is to be expected.  As you drop all concepts about you, you will fall deeply into the vast emptiness of your being.  The mind may struggle with this experience, and start believing you are nothing special. It may tell you that since you are “nothing” there is no reason to do anything anymore.  All the old comforting ideas about yourself are no longer valid and you may experience a deep lack of motivation, feeling that you have no reason to live because you cannot see your divine mission here on Earth.  Often people start believing they are a complete failure when they are right on the brim of tapping into this divine emptiness inside.   This is a very good sign that you are getting closer to the enlightened state. 

When this final hurdle hits you just remember one thing. All suffering is created from over identifying with your ego. It’s the ego who thinks he/she is a success or failure in life, and is simply attached to a thought which causes suffering to perpetuate. Motivation comes naturally when one is following their virtues, aligned with their life purpose, and in tune with the source of their being. Any attempt to try to remain motivated is just another ego trip who thinks it’s in control and can avoid the brilliant infinite light of your being.

The true infinite Self that you are is complete as it is. Your Self is inspired and guided only by divine action.  It has no attachment whatsoever to any results, or possible outcomes.  The great Self moves through life from a place of joy and pure freedom.  The true Self acts like non-stick Teflon where no thoughts, beliefs, judgments or any outer thing can stick to it.  It is pure untainted love in a divine form.  

As the ego slowly finds out that it was never real to begin with, it may start revolting and make you believe life has no meaning and your soul has no purpose for being here. Quite the contrary is true!  Your soul is here to discover it is the vast infinite God Source itself. Your mission is to know, realize and perpetually recognize you are an all-expansive, all-pervasive, divinely intelligent, loving being who can manifest anything you desire.  

Your mission is to enlighten your ego by realizing this infinitely creative God power is inside you. What could be more thrilling than that? Is there a greater life mission that you could imagine?  As you find out the real reason why your soul exists, the ego drops away in embarrassment. Whatever you want to do with your life has even more creative juice behind it, the more you tap into your true unlimited essence.    

Awakening to this whole, untaintable, divine all-powerful you is what enlightenment is all about.  It’s an outrageous journey in letting everything go to get there, and it wouldn’t be fun at all if you didn’t have a few big hurdles to leap over. The greatest mystery of humanity is revealed through letting all illusions fall away, and you see clearly for the first time that you were born to uncover something far beyond the mind’s grasp.  

It may seem like an impossible journey {name}, yet discovering the truth of your Infinite being is actually an effortless process.  When you are completely relaxed, absolutely non-attached to the thoughts, beliefs, motivations and desires your mind believes are essential for you to achieve happiness, then the greatest freedom you can fathom soon finds you!    

There are a few tricks that can help you abide in the peaceful center of your cyclone of thoughts. You must first learn how to relax and enjoy bathing in the wild whirlpools which the mind gets caught in. The trick here is to let go of every single thought and witness the mind from a distance. Step back and see how the enlightened state is the most ordinary yet absolutely extraordinary space to be. Nobody can show you this, yet you will know you’ve arrived because you’ll always be at peace with anything and everything that occurs… no matter what!

Enlightenment is the most penetrating peaceful state of being. No matter what happens in life, you find that the mind is no longer your master, and you are the source of all the joy, love and freedom that you can fathom. Everything you do is covered with the most grounded genuine appreciation. The most ordinary walk in the park becomes nothing but pure ecstasy as you’re simply being present to the truth of what and who you truly are!  

I’ve designed an online program that will dramatically shift you into a higher state of consciousness so you can start experiencing what I’ve been speaking about above.  It’s wild yet you will begin manifesting whatever your truly desire when you are following my Super Manifesting Program.  Simply follow my 8 habits morning manifesting routine, and in less than 90 days. I personally guarantee that you’ll learn how to effortlessly manifest the most enlightening heart opening abundant experiences of your life!  This online course is  pure magic!  Your life is meant to be the greatest adventure.  This program is going to help you make it happen!

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Enjoy this enlightening day today!

Billions of blessings,

Jafree Ozwald

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