The 5 Secrets to Creating Deeper Intimacy

The 5 Secrets to Creating Deeper Intimacyby Jafree Ozwald

Creating an empowering, loving and fulfilling relationship with someone is one of the most amazing things we can learn as human beings.  Our experience of this world is deeply defined by the relationships we have or don’t have with other people.  If you knew the greatest secrets to manifesting an amazingly intimate relationship this week, would you use it?  Well this is your chance to transform your connection with others.  For whatever you put your attention on expands and grows, so why not focus on what will bring you more love and intimacy?  Anytime you think that you cannot be intimate or that other people are not allowing you to be more intimate, you are focusing on what you don’t want and attracting more of that to you.  Realize one thing; that the Universe is ready for you to be intimate with it right now!  Every moment contains this opportunity for a deeper connection with it, and this intimacy can be actualized in your physical relationships.  When you realize this and start applying it, you have just become even more enlightened and free. The world is your mirror, and relationships you have are your reflections in it.  If you are diving inside to truly know yourself and being more intimate with yourself each day, others will start OPENING to you and reveal themselves more intimately with you.  Know that you can create some form of intimacy with EVERYONE you meet just by being open.  Revealing yourself is how you get others to reveal themselves.  Once you do this you will have amazingly successful relationships with everyone.

Intimate relationships are the ULTIMATE teachers, especially the ones you let in to see and feel your soul.  In intimacy (into-me-you-see) you are revealing your deepest truth inside your heart.  Your soul learns sooo much by revealing itself on these deeper levels and will grow exponentially.  Sure intimacy in the beginning can feel uncomfortable and exposing because it forces you to release your story, game and typical automated response to the world.  Intimacy forces you to be REAL!  You are pulled out of your safe velvety rut and are stepping onto the true playing field of life again. 

Like everything in life, intimacy contains both negative and positive aspects depending what you choose to focus on.  Sharing your heart with another can be one of the most blissful experiences on the planet, or the most scary and vulnerable.  Yet, if you continue to choose opening, being real, and honest, you can only experience freedom and immense growth from it.  This is the freedom from your typical suffering where you hide and play small because you don’t want to hurt them.  It’s time to truly be free!  Here are 5 amazing secrets that will profoundly deepen your intimacy with others and help you manifest more amazing relationships…enjoy! 1.  Reveal yourself without hesitation.  Be as raw and real as possible with every human you come in contact with. 2. Be radically honest.  Speak what is most true in your heart, and say that which makes your heart open, expand and relax.  3.  Drop being responsible for their reaction.  Feel what you are feeling, and choose those feelings which bring you more connection and inner peace. 4. Constantly send messages of acceptance, appreciation, and approval to others as they are.  Always be a voice of love for the world. 5. Look for yourself in the reflection of this relationship "mirror".  Know that whatever triggers you is not about them, it’s about YOU!     You can naturally and effortlessly make the commitment today to be more intimate, just because it FEELS good!  When you actively practice these five secrets you will see your relationships start to blossom and have the fragrance of a million rose gardens.  We know that you will be astonished at how quickly ANY relationship can be transformed, (no matter how many years it’s been stagnant) with these 5 secrets.  It doesn’t matter if it’s your spouse, friend, or boss, intimacy can be found when these five truths are followed every day. 

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Sending many intimate moments to you,

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