The Awesome Vibration of Love

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The Awesome Vibration of Love By Jafree Ozwald

“Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race, or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. To awaken this unity–and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature–is the true goal of human life.” ~Ammachi  

Even though you may not think this about yourself, but you are lovable. Your unique way of being in the world, your energy, your presence, and just the normal natural way you are… is lovable! You don’t have to do anything special to be lovable. You were born lovable. It’s a quality that you cannot escape from. It’s your energy and your consciousness. Being worthy of love is just who you are.

When you accept the fact that you are lovable just the way you are (without having to change a thing) it makes it easier for others to love you. People can feel it when you love your self, and it feels like a warm welcoming invitation from the heart. I invite you to imagine that everyone loves you exactly the way you are right now. Take the leap in consciousness and try it out, you’ll start feeling that it is true and begin manifesting more loving experiences all through your day.

The Universe wants you to experience more and more love everyday. Believe it or not, this is one of the great purposes of life. To let in as much love as you possibly can. There is not a shortage of love in this Universe, the greatest love is already here and all around you now. Open your heart just a crack, and allow warm cozy energy to come in. You can find it easy to allow yourself to receive love, because you are a good person, you have a good heart, and you have good intentions. Believe these things, because deep deep down you know they are true.

“The highest phenomenon is when love is a state and not a relationship. Not that you are in love, but that you are love.” ~Osho

 The vibration of love is a powerful thing to focus on. It is the ever expanding force of energy that is continuously saying yes to life. It loves dwelling on the positive aspects of life and having compassion for the negative. The vibration has a soft energy about it, and somehow in the right situations it has the most fierce courageous strength as well.  You’ll know you are in it when everything feels right, light and good, and these feelings are deeply grounded in your body.

The vibration of love is that which allows you to deeply relax, and naturally exist in a sweet vulnerable place that is empowered, open to receive and free.  It is not controlling nor resisting life in anyway. It is appreciating, accepting, and approving of what is. Real love is eager to embrace others, and listen to what is really going on beneath the surface. It only knows gentleness and kindness, welcoming with an open accepting heart the other’s anxiety, sadness and all of their fears. Love is not afraid of anything. It’s like the sun, who is just meant to shine bright and give it’s warm light and life to the world.

When you say yes to the vibration of love, you’re saying yes to the relaxing healing energy of acceptance. You are choosing to accept yourself exactly as you are, where you are in your life, and allowing any negative critical ideas that you have about yourself are ok too. Love welcomes all, loves all, and sees the good in all. It takes in those hard desperate thoughts of unworthiness, fault, lack and limitation and treats them like little sweet orphan animals who just need a warm home and a big cozy hug. When your negative thoughts know they are ok, that they are lovable too, they will relax, soften and let go.

“Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time. What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination.” ~Robert Adams

There is something so deeply beautiful when we say YES with our hearts to the vibration of love. Something magical happens inside the center of our being. It’s as if the soul of our life catches on fire and starts blazing its way through life with unstoppable pizzazz and joy! We feel totally alive, turned on by life and excited about interacting with everyone. We just want to share this incredible experience with everybody because it’s just too huge to contain.

My invitation and “homework” assignment for you this week is simple. Practice focusing on the vibration of love. Practice feeling that YES in your body to energy of love. Say yes in each moment you can, to letting in more and more love! You can do it, it’s super fun!  Just look inside yourself, be honest and find out what LOVE feels like for you. Trust your body, and know that it cannot lie.

I dare you to open your heart right now to letting in more love than may feel normal or comfortable. Expand your old perceptions of yourself. Step into a new you!  Welcome in this new being who is ready in every moment to welcome in life, letting in more and more joy!  Give life the biggest YES that you’ve got inside!  You’re worth it!  When you can get centered in real devotion to this vibration, you’ll discover the most amazing, ridiculously beautiful awesome life you could ever dream of.

Your love life does not have to be a perpetual challenge.  You deserve to know how to transcend any love or relationship limitations you may be facing. You deserve to know how to become financially free, abundant in every way so you have more time for yourself and your loved ones.  I’ve created an online manifesting program that will shift your energy and consciousness in the highest manifesting vibration in 90 days or less…GUARANTEED!  It truly is an amazing program that is PROVEN to work and you’ll actually SEE your life change for the better!

 The Super Manifesting Program contains 240+ minutes of my magical Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio, 2 Manifesting E-courses, 27 educational videos, 14 enlightening radio interviews with Jafree and over 350+ pages of enlightening information holding the most powerful manifesting techniques, habits, manifesting meditations, and enlightening technology in history! Right now we are having offering the entire program at a Special Discount Price so anyone can afford to get this information and you can instantly download it immediately!  Get ready to create an empowered, abundant, and joyful life that you will LOVE!

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“I’ve been on the 90 day course for a few months now and am really noticing some amazing changes in myself.  I feel healthier, I got a promotion at work, I’ve started developing my online business plans that I’ve had for years… and so much more! Thanks Jafree. Please keep the inspiration coming. Best regards. ~Jeremy Gard, Brisbane, Australia

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Sending a massive enlightening life transformative experience your way…

Jafree Ozwald

“Give love and unconditional acceptance to those
you encounter, and notice what happens.” ~ Wayne Dyer

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