The Manifesting Meditation
Written by Jafree Ozwald
Right now, you have the power to manifest an abundant financial situation, loving relationships, the ideal satisfying career, optimum health and a spiritual awakening! This is all possible by increasing the vibration within your body, with your mind, and holding the vision of what you choose to experience in your world.
Just by reading the Manifesting Meditation below you’ll manifest your life dreams and desires faster and easier!!! Feel free to do this manifesting meditation as many times as you wish, and share it with whomever you please. It’s possible for everyone to start living a more empowering life that they love!
What is a Manifesting Meditation? We can attract any desired outcome we want, when we are imagining that we are receiving it from the Universe in a peak energy state. The more open and trusting we can become, the easier those things, people and experiences we want just magically materialize into our lives! The key to manifesting is staying connected to the FEELING and IMAGE of your desired outcome as if its already here now!
The is not always easy, and is where the need for a meditative mind comes in. Meditation is a quieting of the mind, where we come into a deep place of silence, inner peace and stillness inside. By quieting your mind you are empowering yourself to hold on to your vision, while tapping into the infinite reservoir of fuel behind the manifesting machine that you already are! When we bridge the gap between these two experiences of Manifesting and Meditation, you ignite the engines in this magical vehicle that will skyrocket you towards your desired outcome!
NOTE: Before you begin the Manifesting Meditation, decide on what you really really really want to manifest. I invite you think deeply about this and decide on just ONE thing that you are willing to do this meditation on for at least the next 3 days. Now it may take you more or less than 3 days to manifest what you want, it just depends on how high your vibration already is! It also depends on how big your emotional and mental blocks to receiving and experiencing your desire, and the magnitude of importance you feel your desire holds for you in your future. Once you have decided on what you want to manifest, read and experience the Manifesting Meditation below!!
The Manifesting Meditation
Click Here to Download Audio MP3
Sitting comfortably in your chair focusing on your back
resting against the chair say to your body, “relax”.
Command every muscle, bone and cell in your entire body
to totally let go and relax. Allow the mind to quiet and the body to soften.
Relax EVERY muscle and cell in your body to the point of becoming
very silent and still. When the body is totally relaxed, you will feel somewhat
spacious, or a feeling of timelessness.
Imagine at the base of your spine a golden river flowing with powerful
energy that is gently rising up like from the center of the earth into
your body. This is a warm flowing healing energy that is
connected to an infinite Source of abundance, love and goodness.
Allow it to move slowly up into the base of the spine
and let it collect there for 5 minutes. Use your breath
to pull up more energy if you want to, until it fills the base of your body.
Now this golden energy is very powerful. It is the manifesting energy!
Allow it to move up in an 6-8 inch diameter column of light into your
solar plexus and stomach. When it feels like your body is tingling,
warm or very “alive”, focus on it rising up into the belly, heart, throat and brain.
Just by focusing on these parts of your body, the golden
energy will flow there. Now, allow this river to come up
and fill every cell in your body with Golden Healing Energy and Light!
Your breath is the “pump” for your golden manifesting energy.
Gently, yes very gently, use each inhale to SLOWLY pull
the energy up the spine and on the exhale let the energy
move through and out your hands, eyes, and mouth.
Your hands, eyes, and mouth are your manifesting “projectors”
(like movie projectors) that channel the Golden energy/light
to form into the images that you want to manifest.
See and feel your desired outcomes being created on a
big screen in front of you. Stay in this powerful projector-like state
for 7 minutes, replaying the scenes you love and putting
your inner movie on “still pause” in the scenes you truly love.
When you feel a solid connection you are finished,
and can relax and enjoy the rest of your day or evening.
If you’d like to listen to a 20 minute hypnosis
audio version of the Manifesting Meditation
click here
To increase your vibration exponentially, you’ll want to tap into your bodymind’s unlimited potentiality. The 8 habits Manifesting Routine found in the, “Manifesting Manual: How To Raise Your Manifesting Vibration!” is guaranteed to do just that! It will open up the energy in the following areas of your life: Mental, Financial, Physical, Energetic, Spiritual, Social, Inspirational, Emotional, Sensual, Power Foods, Detoxification, Purification, Relaxation, and Restful Sleep.
In just a few days on this powerful program, you will see a major difference in your energy levels and ability to naturally and effortlessly attract whatever you want into your life! All the essential manifesting exercises are found in the 90 Day Manifesting Program can be downloaded instantly at the following link: Enjoy!
Sending lots of love your way,
Jafree Ozwald
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