The Miracle of Resting as Love

The Miracle of Resting as Love Written By Jafree Ozwald   Love is who and what you already are.  It is not some state that you have to try to attain through efforting, or a miraculous act of Grace, passionate romance, or even years of therapy.  It is what you’ll naturally find when you dive directly into the core of your being.  When you relax through the layers of thoughts and concepts about love, and surrender to the experience of it, you naturally exude this warm appreciative cozy feeling out into the world.  It radiates out of your heart and body as if you were the brilliant sun.  Any efforting to try to love someone simply misses the point of what love is about.  The sun does not struggle and effort to provide heat and light.  It knows it is already a powerful energetic channel, pacing itself in a relaxed way over millions of years.  Be like the sun.  Shine your light from this relaxed space.  Relax deeper into your being where you are in touch with this light that is emanating from within you at all times.   When you radiate from this resting loving place, every person you meet will be transformed into the Divine.   "Love is the radiance, the fragrance of knowing oneself… an overflowing joy.  Love is when you have seen who you are…when you have seen that you are not separate from existence." ~ Osho   You instantly step out of the ego mind and into your life purpose when you live and breathe each moment as this love.  You stop all suffering, poverty and pain when you are completely surrendered, resting as this love inside.  When love is continually re-discovered at the very center of your being, it flows soooo much energy through your heart that your head cannot be running the show.  It simply follows along like a lost little puppy.  You drop the head trip and take your life’s adventure to the next level.  By responding to others from your heart instead of your head, your life becomes aligned with its highest destiny.  Your heart becomes a constant channel of love.  As your heart learns how to trust this love, relax into and enjoy it, it will remain open at all times.  When your heart does not close for 30 days, it connects with the deepest oceans of love in existence.  This is when your life mission spreads finds your greatest potentiality, sending waves of enlightenment across humanity.     "Nobody is here to fulfill your dream. Everybody is here to fulfill his own destiny, his own reality.”  ~Osho   When you practice resting at the deepest core of your innermost being, you will discover this love vibration at your core and the greatest miracle will occur.  You’ll find yourself rising in love, instead of falling in love.  The difference is when you are rising in love you know that you are the Source of this love, and that this love is not dependent on the other.  In rising you are free, not attached to ego, and can remain constantly in touch with the Divine.  Anytime you fall in love you run the risk of losing your intimate connection with the Divine.  You may point towards the other, giving them full credit for your loving experience and stop realizing yourself as the main Source of this love.  The only way to fall in love and "survive" is through surrendering to the Source of love on the way down.  This way you don’t limit love, claiming it occurred because of the other, and you can find the Divine in all people that you encounter.   Open your love valve beyond what you thought was possible with our Guided Self-Love Meditation.  Instantly download it today at:   Sending you much love and many blessings to you,

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