The Secrets to Finding Peace with Negativity

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The Secrets to Finding Peace with Negativity 

Written by Jafree Ozwald 

A miraculous transformation occurs when you realize that every experience is a doorway to the Divine. When you truly accept that all the traumas and dramas in your past are all opportunities to experience higher levels of compassion, you move light years ahead in consciousness. Yes, your soul has signed up to evolve in consciousness and springboard you into enlightenment. Every traumatic experience you’ve had in your life, your soul has purposely placed it there to open your heart and broaden your awareness. 

This is a divinely intelligent Universe you’re living in and so there simply is no such thing as a “wrong” experience. Whatever painful memories you have in your past are there for only one purpose; to instigate a step towards a higher level of consciousness and transform your heart in the most profound way. Yes, every harsh experience in life contains a potentially enlightening epiphany within it. Everyone is given the exact experiences their soul needs to awaken from this Maya (dream world) and be completely liberated from the “karmic baggage” they’ve been dragging around for lifetimes.

Any situation that triggers you is a good pointer as to where you’re still enslaved on the big stage of life. When you repeatedly act out of fear, being defensive, judgmental or resistant you are missing the point. Each experience in life is your big opportunity to receive deeper love and healing. The very instant you notice a contracted feeling arising inside, choose to accept it and embrace it. Play the role of “accepting what is” and you’ll become free from getting snagged in any role. This is how you can heal yourself and truly be empowered in this life. 

Emotional suffering is always self-inflicted when you look at the roots of its manifestation. When you realize you are 100% responsible for the limiting beliefs you have about the world, yourself and everyone in it, you are empowering yourself with the ability to change. This instigates a new compassion inside you and you spiritually start growing!  For example, if you are blaming another person for “making you feel upset” about something, you first need to realize that nobody can “make you” feel anything you don’t want to feel. You can always choose to respond from the higher place of compassion and love. 

“Only when you can understand yourself as All Pervading Consciousness can you possibly understand that all the universe is an emanation of your mind. Everything that you see comes out of you.” ~ Robert Adams 

Every negative reaction you have is like an S.O.S. message the ego sends out as a desperate attempt to find healing. Look inside and notice right now if you’re carrying an emotional burden about something from the past. It may feel like a heavy weight, or an annoyance on your chest, a bit of fear, lack or limitation each time you think about it. Just feel it and let it go. Holding onto any sort of baggage can be hard to see, that is why we have 7 billion other mirrors on the planet. When that certain someone comes around (like mom, dad, or your sibling) who knows how to instantly push your buttons with one little comment, the burred pain rises to the surface to be fully revealed and seen. These beings are the ones who will help you transform from being a victim of your life, to the compassionate master of your life. The secret is having awareness of what limiting thoughts you’re still holding onto.

When you become emotionally responsible for your every experience then you cannot become a victim to life again. If someone can upset you it only means that this person is your teacher who is here to empower you to spiritually grow beyond your wildest imagination. The moment a potential painful comment is said, you instantly have the choice to take it on or let it go! The practice of choosing to either let things go or take them on is where you get your power back. When you can let people’s defeating words glide right off your chest it, its the first step to self love and finding true inner peace within you.

Make time everyday to rest deeply inside your being. There is a place of deep compassion inside you where that can free your mind from any suffering instantly. This self loving habit can stop the mind and its addiction to drama and its karmic impulses. With self love you’ll be able to see, smell and feel the divine truth of who and what you are. You can see through the illusion of separateness and realize we are all one. This is where the inner battle ends and divine pure awareness begins. You then take center stage in your life and are liberated from ever becoming stuck in a performance where you’re playing out that old suffering scene once again.

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Sending you lots of love, gratitude and wisdom your way,
Jafree Ozwald

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