Month: August 01, 2022

Enlightening Inspiration

Relationships Are The Gateway To Freedom

Relationships Are The Gateway To Freedom Written by Jafree Ozwald “Only in relationship can you know yourself, not in abstraction and certainly not in isolation.”  J. Krishnamurti The quality of our relationships is the best guide we have to knowing ourselves. The way we interact, react and respond to […]

Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery

The 4 Steps to Revealing your Souls Purpose

The 4 Steps to Revealing your Soul’s Purpose By Jafree Ozwald “Life is a mystery. The more you understand it, the more mysterious it becomes.” ~Osho The purpose of your soul is multi-dimensional, multi-sensual, and multi-orgasmic. Even though there are perhaps an infinite wonderful reasons why you were born […]

Enlightening Inspiration

How to Create a Super Healthy Relationship with Money

How to Create a Super Healthy Relationship with Money   By Jafree Ozwald  “Our relationship to money reflects how we feel about our power to affect the world. Since money is a mirror of our consciousness, the more comfortable we are with being powerful, the more money we are likely […]