Month: August 01, 2022

Enlightening Inspiration, Tantra

Connect Deeply with Your Beloved

Written by Jafree Ozwald “We have two choices: continue to blame the world for our stress or take responsibility for our own reactions and deliberately change our emotional climate.” ~ Doc Childre and Howard Martin Would you like to feel more deeply connected to your beloved and all of […]

Enlightening Inspiration

How to Create a Life of Devotion

How to Create a Life of Devotion Written by Jafree Ozwald “It’s necessary to make your mind a prayer, the heart full of love, and every breath a melody of devotion. Then the soul becomes a glorified song of compassion, mercy, understanding, and humility.” ~ Annalee Skarin One of […]

Enlightening Inspiration

Manifesting Seminar Recorded Class #3

Hello Manifesting Magnets!! Just arriving…here is what was able to get recorded from the call LAST week in case you missed it.  Just click here to tune in…enjoy! To download it to your computer, right click on this link and select “Save Target As”: We will get the link for today’s class […]


Manifesting Seminar Recorded Class #4

Hello Manifesting Magnets!! In case you missed our last teleclass, here it is! Just click here to tune in…enjoy! To download it to your computer, right click on this link and select “Save Target As”: Thank you for joining our class!! Sending many blessings to you, Jafree Ozwald Click to rate […]