Life Mastery

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

How Relaxation Creates Financial Receptivity and Abundance

How Relaxation Creates Financial Receptivity and Abundance! Written By Jafree Ozwald Would you like to receive more financial abundance from the Universe?  Would you like to be free from stressful financial issues forever?  The secret to becoming Financially Receptive is to embrace a state of relaxation instead of stress […]

Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery

The World is Your Mirror

The World is Your Mirror Written By Jafree Ozwald The world is a beautiful mirror that is always reflecting yourself back to you. What you see happening in your outer world is a representation (on a deeper level) of what is going on somewhere in your inner world. If […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

Your Mission Is To Be Outrageously Happy

Your Mission Is To Be Outrageously Happy Written by Jafree Ozwald    “It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.” -Agnes Repplier   What if your main job in life was to be soooo happy that you contagiously made […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

How to Become a Super Manifestor

How to Become a Super Manifestor By Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher You are always manifesting something, whether you are conscious of it or not. You have manifested everything in your life from the shoes on your feet, to the amount of money in your bank, to the quality […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

The Extraordinary Magic of Self Love

The Extraordinary Magic of Self Love! By Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher “Love gives you the first insight into eternity. Love is the only experience that transcends time. That’s why lovers are not afraid of death. Love knows no death.” ~Osho How often do you have unconditional love and […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

The Outrageous Power of The Blue Room

The Outrageous Power of The Blue Room! By Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher Would you like to effortlessly manifest something FABULOUS into your life from “out of the blue”? People often think that it’s miraculous or unexplainable when something shows up that they desired for no apparent reason at […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

How to Manifest Money with Self Love

How to Manifest Money with Self Love By Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher Money is energy that naturally flows abundantly through our lives when we are in a deeply loving space with ourselves and others. The more you can deeply and completely appreciate those unworthy, loveable and undeserving aspects […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

Become an Infinite Possibilitarian

Become an Infinite Possibilitarian Written by Jafree Ozwald We live in a world that is full of infinite possibilities. The Universe is literally a matrix of possibilities that is constantly taking form based on the thoughts and feeling states of the beings that inhabit it. Anything could happen in […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

Your Millionaire Magnetic Field

Your Millionaire Magnetic Field By Jafree Ozwald  & Margot Zaher Perhaps you want to become financially free someday…or not. It may shock you to know that financial freedom may not happen from having millions in the bank. You could be even more attached to and possessive with your money! […]

Amazing Health, Enlightening Inspiration, Life Mastery, Manifesting

The 3 Secrets to Raising Your Manifesting Vibration

The 3 Secrets to Raising Your Manifesting Vibration By Jafree Ozwald Do you know why some people manifest their dreams easily and effortlessly while others struggle daily and just get by? The secret to this conundrum lies in discovering the essence of your Manifesting Vibration. This vibration is a […]