Month: September 01, 2022

Enlightening Inspiration

You Are Divinely Guided

You Are Divinely Guided  Written by Jafree Ozwald “There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time. What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination.” ~Robert Adams There is a great power that is guiding every moment of our lives.  Every decision, response and action we take […]

Enlightening Inspiration

The 4 Secrets to Accessing The Akashic Records

The 4 Secrets to Accessing The Akashic Records By Jafree Ozwald   “A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move on to higher levels.” ~Albert Einstein What are the Akashic Records?  The words “Akashic Records” come from the 5000 year old Sanskrit word […]

Enlightening Inspiration

The Secrets to Spiritual Awakening

By Jafree Ozwald “God is there only if you surrender. Surrender makes anything God. Surrender gives you the eyes, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine.” ~Osho To be enlightened is to be aware of the Divine within yourself. To be lost in life is to […]